Get Value Based on Max of a Different Column Grouped by Another Column

Using group by to get the value corresponding to the max value of another column

Up front, "never" (okay, almost never) use df$ within a dplyr pipe. In this case, df$value[which.max(df$age)] is referencing the original data each time, not the grouped data. Inside each group in this dataset, value is length 3 whereas df$value is length 9.

The only times I feel it is appropriate to use df$ (referencing the original value of the current dataset) inside a pipe is when it is required to look at pre-pipeline data, in absence of any grouping, reordering, or new variables created outside of the currently-saved (pre-pipeline) version of df.


df %>%
group_by(groups) %>%
mutate(new_value = value[which.max(age)]) %>%
# # A tibble: 9 x 4
# groups age value new_value
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 12 1 3
# 2 1 23 2 3
# 3 1 34 3 3
# 4 2 13 4 6
# 5 2 24 5 6
# 6 2 35 6 6
# 7 3 13 7 9
# 8 3 25 8 9
# 9 3 36 9 9


DT <-
DT[, new_value := value[which.max(age)], by = .(groups)]

base R

df$new_value <- ave(seq_len(nrow(df)), df$groups,
FUN = function(i) df$value[i][which.max(df$age[i])])
# groups age value new_value
# 1 1 12 1 3
# 2 1 23 2 3
# 3 1 34 3 3
# 4 2 13 4 6
# 5 2 24 5 6
# 6 2 35 6 6
# 7 3 13 7 9
# 8 3 25 8 9
# 9 3 36 9 9

The base R approach seems to be the least-elegant-looking solution. I believe that ave is the best approach, but it has many limitations, first being that it only works on one value-object (value) in the absence of others (we need to know age).

Get value based on max of a different column grouped by another column

You can approach this using row_number():

select key, val
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by key order by num desc) as seqnum
from table_name t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

Whether you consider this more "elegant" is probably a matter of taste.

I should point out that this is subtly different from your query. This is guaranteed to return one row for each key; yours could return multiple rows. If you want that behavior, just use rank() or dense_rank() instead of row_number().

Within GROUP BY grouping, select value based on highest value of another column

There are several approaches and it sounds like you've played with this one a bit even:

with data as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by id order by qty desc) as rn
from T
select id, sum(qty) as total_qty,
(select d2.supplier from data d2
where = and rn = 1) as most_used_supplier
from data d
group by id;

Pandas groupby -- get output value based on max value of another column

You can define a function taking pd.dataframe as argument:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def fmax(df_):
df_['Output'] = df_.sort_values(['Max Speed']).tail(1)['Tmp'].squeeze()
return df_

Please note use of pandas.DataFrame.squeeze function to return scalar value.
Then simply apply above function using groupby:


The result is:

   Animal Habitat Tmp  Max Speed Output
0 Falcon Jungle A 380.0 A
1 Falcon Jungle B 370.0 A
2 Parrot Sky C 24.0 D
3 Parrot Sky D 26.0 D

Querying one column by max value on another column after groupBy

First groupBy to identify rows with the largest count for each category_code, then join with the original dataframe to retrieve brand value corresponding to max count:

df1 =  df.groupBy("category_code").agg(F.max("count").alias("count"))

df2 = df.join(df1, ["count", "category_code"]).drop("count")

this will produce df2 as follows

category_code          brand
--------------------------- samsung samsung apple
computers.notebook acer
electronics.clocks casio

SQL Query to get column values that correspond with MAX value of another column?

I would try something like this:

FROM videos s
JOIN (SELECT MAX(video_id) AS id FROM videos GROUP BY video_category) max
ON s.video_id =

which is quite faster that your own solution

Find maximum value of one column based on group_by multiple other columns

We can use slice_max instead of summarise to return all the columns after the select step

df_k %>%
group_by(COUNTRY, date_start) %>%
select(-code) %>%
slice_max(order_by = 'ord', n = 1)

If we need to create a new column, use mutate

df_k %>%
group_by(COUNTRY, date_start) %>%
select(-code) %>%
mutate(ordMax = max(ord, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

Get records with max value for each group of grouped SQL results

There's a super-simple way to do this in mysql:

select * 
from (select * from mytable order by `Group`, age desc, Person) x
group by `Group`

This works because in mysql you're allowed to not aggregate non-group-by columns, in which case mysql just returns the first row. The solution is to first order the data such that for each group the row you want is first, then group by the columns you want the value for.

You avoid complicated subqueries that try to find the max() etc, and also the problems of returning multiple rows when there are more than one with the same maximum value (as the other answers would do)

Note: This is a mysql-only solution. All other databases I know will throw an SQL syntax error with the message "non aggregated columns are not listed in the group by clause" or similar. Because this solution uses undocumented behavior, the more cautious may want to include a test to assert that it remains working should a future version of MySQL change this behavior.

Version 5.7 update:

Since version 5.7, the sql-mode setting includes ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY by default, so to make this work you must not have this option (edit the option file for the server to remove this setting).

Get column value when another column is max in google query when grouping

From the Query Language Reference documentation, it is explicity stated in the rules of the GROUP BY clause that every column in the SELECT must be a grouped column -or- wrapped by an aggregation function. This is why it is not possible to include an ungrouped, unaggregated column in your specific query.

You can do the workaround as per player0's answer, but if you want to use QUERY() andVLOOKUP() in a single formula you can use this as well:

=ARRAYFORMULA({{QUERY(A1:C,"SELECT A, max(B) where A is not null group by A")},{VLOOKUP(FILTER(F:F,LEN(F:F)),SORT(B1:C,1,TRUE),2)}})


Sample Image

SQL: Update GROUP BY to include a value based on max value of another column

You can try to use window function with SUM and ROW_NUMBER.

Make row number by id, year, quarter columns order by wage desc then get rn = 1.

Schema (PostgreSQL v9.6)

id INT,
year INT,
quarter INT,
wage INT,
comp_id INT,
comp_industry VARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO T VALUES (123 , 2012 , 1 , 1000 , 456 ,'abc');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (123 , 2012 , 1 , 2000 , 789 ,'def');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (123 , 2012 , 2 , 1500 , 789 ,'def');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (456 , 2012 , 1 , 2000 , 321 ,'ghi');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (456 , 2012 , 2 , 2000 , 321 ,'ghi');

Query #1

SELECT id, year,quarter ,sum_wage, comp_industry FROM (
SUM(wage) OVER (PARTITION BY id, year, quarter order by year ) sum_wage,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, year, quarter order by wage desc) rn
) t1
where rn = 1;

| id | year | quarter | sum_wage | comp_industry |
| --- | ---- | ------- | -------- | ------------- |
| 123 | 2012 | 1 | 3000 | def |
| 123 | 2012 | 2 | 1500 | def |
| 456 | 2012 | 1 | 2000 | ghi |
| 456 | 2012 | 2 | 2000 | ghi |

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