Easiest Way to Copy a MySQL Database

Easiest way to copy a MySQL database?

Here are a few options:


The easiest, guaranteed-to-work way to do it is to use mysqldump. See the manual pages for the utility here:


Basically, it dumps the SQL scripts required to rebuild the contents of the database, including creation of tables, triggers, and other objects and insertion of the data (it's all configurable, so if you already have the schema set up somewhere else, you can just dump the data, for example).

Copying individual MyISAM table files

If you have a large amount of data and you are using the MyISAM storage engine for the tables that you want to copy, you can just shut down mysqld and copy the .frm, .myd, and .myi files from one database folder to another (even on another system). This will not work for InnoDB tables, and may or may not work for other storage engines (with which I am less familiar).


If you need to dump the contents of a database while the database server is running, you can use mysqlhotcopy (note that this only works for MyISAM and Archive tables):


Copying the entire data folder

If you are copying the entire database installation, so, all of the databases and the contents of every database, you can just shut down mysqld, zip up your entire MySQL data directory, and copy it to the new server's data directory.

This is the only way (that I know of) to copy InnoDB files from one instance to another. This will work fine if you're moving between servers running the same OS family and the same version of MySQL; it may work for moving between operating systems and/or versions of MySQL; off the top of my head, I don't know.

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

As the manual says in Copying Databases you can pipe the dump directly into the mysql client:

mysqldump db_name | mysql new_db_name

If you're using MyISAM you could copy the files, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bit dodgy.

Integrated from various good other answers

Both mysqldump and mysql commands accept options for setting connection details (and much more), like:

mysqldump -u <user name> --password=<pwd> <original db> | mysql -u <user name> -p <new db>

Also, if the new database is not existing yet, you have to create it beforehand (e.g. with echo "create database new_db_name" | mysql -u <dbuser> -p).

Fastest method of producing a copy of a MySQL database

there are couple of solutions:

  • have a separate replication slave you can stop at any time and take the file-level backup
  • if you use the innodb engine - you can take file system level snapshot [eg with lvm] and then copy the files over to your test environment
  • if you have plenty of tables/databases - you can paralleled the dumping and restoring process to speed things up.

Copying mysql databases from one computer to another

How to copy Mysql database from one Computer to another / backup database using mysqldump

  1. We can transfer a MySQL database from one PC to another PC using
    mysqldump command.

  2. We have to create dump file of database to transfer database from
    one PC to another PC.

  3. MySQL database is not portable database i.e. we cannot transfer it
    from one PC to another PC by copying and pasting it.

  4. We can use following method to transfer database.

  5. Creating a dumpfile from database/ Taking backup of MySQL database:

  6. Open command prompt.

  7. Execute following commands to change directory

>c:  “press enter”

>cd program files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/ bin “press enter”

>mysqldump -u root -p database_name > database_name.sql “press enter”

Enter password: password of MySQL

Copy sql file and paste it in PC where you want to transfer database.

      2. Dumping sql file into database:-

- Open MySQL command line client command prompt.

- Execute following command to create database.

create database database_name;

“press enter” Database name is must as that of your database_name.

Copy that sql file into location “c:/program files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/bin”

      *- Now open command prompt and execute following commands.*

>C: “press enter”

>cd program files/MySQL/MySQL Server5.1/bin “press enter”

>mysql –u root –p database_name < database_name.sql “press enter”

Your database is created on PC.

Now in MySQL command prompt check your database.

Another one:1

This best and the easy way is to use a db tools(SQLyog)


With this tools you can connect the 2 databases servers and just copy one database on server a to server b.

For more info


look here

Another one:2

For a database named "lbry", try this:

mysqldump -u root -p lbry > dump-lbry.sql

Create a database of the same name ("lbry" in this example) on the computer to which you wish to copy the database contents

Then import it:

mysql -u root -p lbry < dump-lbry.sql

Clone MySQL database

$ mysqldump yourFirstDatabase -u user -ppassword > yourDatabase.sql
$ mysql yourSecondDatabase -u user -ppassword < yourDatabase.sql

Fastest way to copy a large MySQL table?

Off the three options listed above.

I would select the second option if you have a Unique constraint on at least one column, therefore not creating duplicate rows if the script has to be run multiple times to achieve its task in the event of server timeouts.

Otherwise your third option would be the way to go, while manually taking into account any server timeouts to determine your insert select limits.

What is the easiest way to duplicate entire mysql in xampp?

Mysql files are binary safe. You can overwrite the files whatsoever.

Copying MySQL Database to another machine

Make a export DB Mysqldump in a sql file and copy the sql file to USB card and import it into the other machine.Follow the steps it would help you to achieve it

To make mysql dump for reference see here

mysqldump -u admin -p passwd DB_Name > file/path/filename.sql

import the sql file to the mysql DB as

sample :

  mysql > use DB_Name;
mysql >source yourfile.sql


  mysql -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD DATABASE-NAME < file/path/filename.sql

Correct me if 'm wrong

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