Column Doesn't Exist

Column doesn't exist?

You can't reference a column alias in the WHERE clause.

JOIN friendssym ON = friendssym.user_id
JOIN USERS as u2 ON friendssym.friend_id =
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT u2.userstatus) = 1

In traditional SQL, the earliest you can reference a column alias is the ORDER BY clause. But MySQL and SQL Server allow access in the HAVING and GROUP BY clauses.

How to fix this column doesn't exist error in SQL?

You cannot use columns computed in the SELECT clause in the WHERE clause (in SQL, the matter is evaluated before the former).

Also, you need proper type casting to compare money and numbers.

Finally, you need to turn on aggregation to compute the number of sales that satisfy the condition.

Assuming that you are using Postgres, that would be:

select count(*)
from sales
where total::numeric <> btl_price::numeric * btl_quantity

Postgresql Column Doesn't Exist

if you really have a camel case in you column name then you must wrap the column name with double quote

SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd"  FROM return_part_i LIMIT 10;

PostgreSQL columns (object) name are case sensitive when specified with double quotes. Unquoted identifiers are automatically used as lowercase so the correct case sequence must be write with double quotes

and as correctly suggested by Raymond Nijland if you want a LIMIT in result you should use an order by

SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd"  FROM return_part_i ORDER BY "CntrctTrmntnInd" LIMIT 10;

TypeScript: postgres column doesn't exist

Try the following as your query:

SELECT email FROM "User" LIMIT 10

You need to quote the table name if you did it when creating the table.

column does not exist error even when using the 'as' keyword

replace where errors >= 1 with (cast(a.count as decimal) * 100 / b.count)>=1 since there's no column called errors but a derived column :

select, (cast(a.count as decimal) * 100 / b.count) as errors
from (select date(time) as date, count(status)
from log
where status != '200 OK'
group by date
order by date asc) as a
join (select date(time) as date, count(status)
from log
group by date
order by date asc) as b
on =
where (cast(a.count as decimal) * 100 / b.count) >= 1
order by errors desc;


It may be used like above as below :

select *
from (select, (cast(a.count as decimal) * 100 / b.count) as errors
from (select date(time) as date, count(status)
from log
where status != '200 OK'
group by date
order by date asc) as a
join (select date(time) as date, count(status)
from log
group by date
order by date asc) as b
on = q
where errors >= 1
order by errors desc;

within a subquery.

If column doesn't exist, create it and setText - if it does exist, check for text and use next column if filled

QTableWidget is a bit peculiar, because even if the model has a specified row and column count, item() might return None if no data has been set.

A QTableWidgetItem is returned only in these two cases:

  • an item has been programmatically created using setItem();
  • data has been entered by the user;

This means that, for what you need, it's not enough to check if item() doesn't return None, you have to check if the index is actually valid before creating a new column. In your case, we can assume that an index is valid if its column is less than the column count.

def update_table(self, s):
row = self.table.currentItem().row()
maxColumn = self.table.columnCount()
col = 2
while col < maxColumn:
item = self.table.item(row, col)
if item is None:
item = QTableWidgetItem()
self.table.setItem(row, col, item)
if not item.text():
col += 1
header = 'Image: ' + str(self.count)
item = self.gen_cols(row, col, header)

self.count += 1

Column doesn't exist error when trying to insert new value to table (on heroku using nodejs and pg library)

Postgres treats double quotes as columns. You could use single column.



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