Column Does Not Exist in the in Clause, But SQL Runs

Column does not exist in the IN clause, but SQL runs

This will work if a table in the outer query has a column of that name. This is because column names from the outer query are available to the subquery, and you could be deliberately meaning to select an outer query column in your subquery SELECT list.

For example:

CREATE TABLE #test_main (colA integer) 
CREATE TABLE #test_sub (colB integer)

-- Works, because colA is available to the sub-query from the outer query. However,
-- it's probably not what you intended to do:
SELECT * FROM #test_main WHERE colA IN (SELECT colA FROM #test_sub)

-- Doesn't work, because colC is nowhere in either query
SELECT * FROM #test_main WHERE colA IN (SELECT colC FROM #test_sub)

As Damien observes, the safest way to protect yourself from this none-too-obvious "gotcha" is to get into the habit of qualifying your column names in the subquery:

-- Doesn't work, because colA is not in table #test_sub, so at least you get
-- notified that what you were trying to do doesn't make sense.
SELECT * FROM #test_main WHERE colA IN (SELECT #test_sub.colA FROM #test_sub)

How to fix this column doesn't exist error in SQL?

You cannot use columns computed in the SELECT clause in the WHERE clause (in SQL, the matter is evaluated before the former).

Also, you need proper type casting to compare money and numbers.

Finally, you need to turn on aggregation to compute the number of sales that satisfy the condition.

Assuming that you are using Postgres, that would be:

select count(*)
from sales
where total::numeric <> btl_price::numeric * btl_quantity

sql statement error: column .. does not exist

No, the column FK_Numbers_id does not exist, only a column "FK_Numbers_id" exists

Apparently you created the table using double quotes and therefor all column names are now case-sensitive and you have to use double quotes all the time:

select as idsim, as idnum
from main_sim sim
left join main_number num on ("FK_Numbers_id" =;

To recap what is already documented in the manual:

The column foo and FOO are identical, the columns "foo" and "FOO" are not.

PostgreSQL Column does not exist but it actually does

Try to take it into double quotes - like "Continent" in the query:

SELECT "Continent"
FROM network.countries

Postgresql Column Doesn't Exist

if you really have a camel case in you column name then you must wrap the column name with double quote

SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd"  FROM return_part_i LIMIT 10;

PostgreSQL columns (object) name are case sensitive when specified with double quotes. Unquoted identifiers are automatically used as lowercase so the correct case sequence must be write with double quotes

and as correctly suggested by Raymond Nijland if you want a LIMIT in result you should use an order by

SELECT "CntrctTrmntnInd"  FROM return_part_i ORDER BY "CntrctTrmntnInd" LIMIT 10;

Where clause error : column does not exist

Try this:

curs.execute("SELECT id FROM school WHERE hisname = %s", (name,))

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