How to Use Parameters with Rpostgresql (To Insert Data)

RPostgreSQL - Passing Parameter in R to a Query in RPostgreSQL

You can use paste0 to generate your query and pass it to dbGetQuery:


dt <- '2018-01-03'

connect <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(),

query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM sales_tbl WHERE date='", dt, "'")
result <- dbGetQuery(connect, query)

Postgresql how to convert insert value as parameters

Try using executemany() here:

sql = 'INSERT INTO patients_patient (patient_id, patient_name) VALUES (?, ?)'
values = [(1, 'Jane'), (2, 'John')]
cur.executemany(sql, values)

If you don't know a priori how many tuples to expect in the VALUES clause, then you may build it dynamically:

sql = 'INSERT INTO patients_patient (patient_id, patient_name) VALUES '
values = [(1, 'Jane'), (2, 'John')]
sql += '(%s' + ',%s'*(len(values)-1) + ')'
cur.executemany(sql, values)

How to insert values into an already existing table in postgresql?

You need to use UPDATE instead of INSERT.


update order_facts
set order_date = d.day_key
from "Day" as d, orders as o
where d.fulldate = o.order_date
and order_facts.order_id = o.order_id

How to add parameter values to pgadmin sql query?

I only know two ways.

First is to use PREPARED STATEMENT (Example after PostgreSQL Manual):

PREPARE usrrptplan (int) AS
SELECT * FROM users u, logs l
WHERE u.usrid=$1 AND u.usrid=l.usrid AND = $2;

EXECUTE usrrptplan(1, current_date);

PREPARE creates a prepared statement.
When the PREPARE statement is executed, the specified statement is parsed, analyzed, and rewritten. When an EXECUTE command is subsequently issued, the prepared statement is planned and executed.

Prepared statements can take parameters: values that are substituted into the statement when it is executed. When creating the prepared statement, refer to parameters by position, using $1, $2, etc.

Prepared statements only last for the duration of the current database session. When the session ends, the prepared statement is forgotten, so it must be recreated before being used again.

Second is to "find-and-replace" $1, $2, .. etc. by proper values. But you want to avoid this one.

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