Backup a Single Table with Its Data from a Database in SQL Server 2008

Backup a single table with its data from a database in sql server 2008

There are many ways you can take back of table.

  2. Generate Table Script with data
  3. Make a copy of table using SELECT INTO, example here
  4. SAVE Table Data Directly in a Flat file
  5. Export Data using SSIS to any destination

Backup a single table with its data from a database in sql server 2008

There are many ways you can take back of table.

  2. Generate Table Script with data
  3. Make a copy of table using SELECT INTO, example here
  4. SAVE Table Data Directly in a Flat file
  5. Export Data using SSIS to any destination

How to create backup .bak file of specific table from database in sql server 2012?

You can generate Scripts for Schema and Data for that particular table. There are many tools available. You can use SSMS for that.
After you have the table schema and the data you can run that script on the new database.

Ways to backup database data

Found simple solution - renaming table.

Algorithm is pretty simple:

  1. Rename table to another table, e.g. "table" to "table-backup" (references will refer to that backup table)
  2. Create "table" from "table-backup" ("table" will not have any dependencies)
  3. Perform any actions in the application
  4. Drop "table" with dirty data (will not break references integrity)
  5. Rename "table-backup" to "table" (references integrity will be kept).


Export SQL Server 2014 database (2008 compatible) in a backup file compatible with 2012

You have to script the SQL database creation, in SQL Server Management Studio :

right click on the DB -> Task -> Generate script

From there a series off dialog to choose what to generate with the SQL command creation and where, in clipboard or file (recommanded for big DB), with optionally the data as some Insert Into SQL command. To find the data option click on the "Advanced" button and search for "Type of data to script"

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