Rowset Does Not Support Scrolling Backward

Rowset does not support scrolling backward

adOpenDynamic is not declared in VBScript and therefore equals Empty, which gets converted to 0 when you assign the CursorType property.

0 is adOpenForwardOnly, and forward only does not support moving backwards, an ability the Find method wants.

You should replace adOpenDynamic with its literal value:

Recordset.CursorType = 2 'adOpenDynamic

To avoid this class of errors altogether, place Option Explicit as the first line of your script.

Recordset.Find Error: Rowset does not support scrolling backward with Stored Procedure

The problem lies not in the keys.CursorType statement, but in the keys.CursorLocation statement.

I replaced keys.CursorLocation = adUseServer with keys.CursorLocation = adUseClient, which immediately resolved the issue.

The working code has become

Private Sub maintablebox_Change()

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim keys As ADODB.Recordset
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
connstring = "omitted"
cnn.Open connstring

Set keys = New ADODB.Recordset
keys.CursorLocation = adUseClient
query = "EXEC sp_fkeys @fktable_name = 'astAssets'"
keys.Open query, connstring, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly

keys.Find "PKTABLE_NAME = 'astAssetTypes'"

Debug.Print keys.Fields("FKCOLUMN_NAME")
End Sub

I found the solution on this vbforums thread. I noticed the OP using a stored procedure just like I am, so the error code I was presented with may be due to that factor.

I have only limited knowledge of ADODB recordsets, so if someone would be willing to explain why setting the cursorlocation to adUseClient fixed my problem, please be my guest.

VBA rowset does not support fetching backward error with .cursertype adjusted

The problem is caused by using conn.Execute to fill the recordset. Setting the recordset's activeconnection to the ADODB.Connection and using the recordset's open method will fix the issue.

Function ConnectServer() As String()
'Working SQL Server connection

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sConnString As String
Dim strSqlQuery As String
Dim iCols As Long

' Create the connection string.
sConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=wait;" & _
"Initial Catalog=what;" & _
"User Id=foo;" & _

' Create the Connection and Recordset objects.
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = sConnString

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

With rs
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Source = "SELECT * FROM b"
End With

' Check we have data.
If Not rs.EOF Then

Debug.Print rs.RecordCount

'Read into array and cleanup...
End If

End Function

You can use Recordset.GetRows() to fill the array. No need to dim it. GetRows Method (ADO)

How verify if a data exist in a recordset with an external variable? VBA

For DAO, try with:

filter2 = "[Nom] = '" & oLookFullName & "'"
rs.FindFirst filter2
If rs.NoMatch Then
Debug.Print oLookFullName & " is not found."
End If

For ADO, try with:

filter2 = "[Nom] = '" & oLookFullName & "'"
rs.Find filter2
If rs.EOF Then
Debug.Print oLookFullName & " is not found."
End If

recordset.movefirst Rowset position cannot be restarted

There is usually no reason to MoveFirst if you have not previously navigated the record set.

The overflow is unrelated to the database code and is caused by rs!ID not fitting in a VBA integer (16 bit) so make temp a Long instead (32 bit) and remove MoveFirst.

XML rowset and MsXML2

Given a table like:

SELECT TOP 5 * FROM [actor.txt]
|actor_id|first_name|last_name |last_update |
| 1|PENELOPE |GUINESS |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
| 2|NICK |WAHLBERG |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
| 3|ED |CHASE |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
| 4|JENNIFER |DAVIS |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
| 5|JOHNNY |LOLLOBRIGIDA|2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|

in an ADO (classic, tested with version 2.8) accessible database, you
can save the resultset to XML using

  oRS.Save sFSpec, adPersistXML

That gives you XML like:

<xml xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
<s:Schema id='RowsetSchema'>
<s:ElementType name='row' content='eltOnly'>
<s:AttributeType name='actor_id' rs:number='1' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
<s:datatype dt:type='i2' dt:maxLength='2' rs:precision='5' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
<s:AttributeType name='first_name' rs:number='2' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
<s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
<s:AttributeType name='last_name' rs:number='3' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
<s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
<s:AttributeType name='last_update' rs:number='4' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
<s:datatype dt:type='dateTime' rs:dbtype='variantdate' dt:maxLength='16' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
<s:extends type='rs:rowbase'/>
<z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
<z:row actor_id='2' first_name='NICK' last_name='WAHLBERG' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
<z:row actor_id='3' first_name='ED' last_name='CHASE' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
<z:row actor_id='4' first_name='JENNIFER' last_name='DAVIS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
<z:row actor_id='5' first_name='JOHNNY' last_name='LOLLOBRIGIDA' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>

To read that data, start with (local, console) code like:

  Dim oFS    : Set oFS   = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Dim sDDir : sDDir = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data" )
Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data\actor.xml" )
Dim oXDoc : Set oXDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument")
Dim sXPath, ndFnd, ndlFnd, attrX, nIdx
oXDoc.async = False
oXDoc.validateOnParse = False
oXDoc.resolveExternals = False
oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", Join( Array( _
"xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'" _
, "xmlns:dt='uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882'" _
, "xmlns:rs='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset'" _
, "xmlns:z='#RowsetSchema'" _
), " ")
If oXDoc.load(sFSpec) Then
WScript.Echo sFSpec, "looks good."
For Each sXPath In Array( _
"/xml" _
, "/xml/s:Schema" _
, "/xml/rs:data" _
, "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""2""]" _
WScript.Stdout.Write "|" & sXPath & "| => "
Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "not found"
WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "found a(n) " & ndFnd.tagName
End If
WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

' <z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
' ...
sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""3""]"
Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "|", sXPath, "| not found"
For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
WScript.Echo attrX.Name, attrX.Value
End If
WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row"
Set ndlFnd = oXDoc.selectNodes( sXPath )
If ndlFnd Is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "ndlFnd Is Nothing"
If 0 = ndlFnd.Length Then
WScript.Echo "ndlFnd is empty"
For Each ndFnd In ndlFnd
WScript.Echo TypeName(ndFnd)
For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
WScript.Echo "", attrX.Name, attrX.Value
End If
End If
WScript.Echo "Bingo!"
WScript.Echo oXDoc.parseError.reason
End If

The important steps:

  • For developing/testing avoid the extra complexity of using a server;
    if cscript readxml.vbs succeeds, it's easy to 'port' the working code
    to .asp (and deal with server specific problems separately)
  • Create an msxml2.domdocument
  • Configure it; especially copy the namespaces from the xml tag to the
  • Load the file, check for errors
  • Specify your XPath expressions (carefully!, try to 'translate' XML from your sample to XPATH)
  • Check the results of .selectSingleNode() and .selectNodes()
  • Access the attributes holding the data

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