Why Doesn't The 'Bundle Install -Without Production' Command Not Require '-Without Production' After Update

Bundler Trying To Run Under Wrong Version of Ruby

You need to load RVM functions to the shell script. link
Or just switch to Rbenv :)

Errors when doing Bundle Update

Currently Ruby 3.0 is not supported with Rails, as there will be next release for Rails. You can do following and it works by installing dev branch of ruby 3. I used ruby 3.1.0dev (2021-02-14T05:09:08Z master ff527e7e32) [x86_64-darwin19] Following commands are with RVM you can use same with other softwares I tried by installing

rvm install ruby-head

This command installed version ruby 3.1.0dev Now install rails

gem install rails

Now create new project

rails new test_rails

now run it using rails s' if you are getting error that ruby version 3.1.0 required is because rails has added this in .ruby-version` so it is just warning no issue. You can try latest version but as I said it is dev version not stable. Note ruby-head will keep changing version of ruby installed as it is latest version. And good news it is blazing fast! I love it.

I suggest use ruby 2.7.2 with rails 6 till new release comes, the above is for test purpose only, not production or actual product. You should use ruby 2.7.2 for production or product.

How to fix 'spring is not part of the bundle' when trying to run rails console in production

You probably need to add Spring to the Gemfile.

Can you show your Gemfile?

If you have something like

group :development do
gem 'spring'

You can promote it above the block.

bundle install fails due to missing make command

The issue was I installed devkit in something other than the Windows Command Prompt. Make sure you use that. If you already tried to install it with something else, run:

ruby dk.rb install --force

Rails cron whenever, bundle: command not found

I played around with this all afternoon and couldn't find a better solution. Here is what I have come up with

bundle install --binstubs

and then run

bin/rake daily:stats

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