Why Do People Say That Ruby Is Slow

Why do people say that Ruby is slow?

Why is Ruby considered slow?

Because if you run typical benchmarks between Ruby and other languages, Ruby loses.

I do not find Ruby to be slow but then
again, I'm just using it to make
simple CRUD apps and company blogs.
What sort of projects would I need to
be doing before I find Ruby becoming
slow? Or is this slowness just
something that affects all programming

Ruby probably wouldn't serve you well in writing a real-time digital signal processing application, or any kind of real-time control system. Ruby (with today's VMs) would probably choke on a resource-constrained computer such as smartphones.

Remember that a lot of the processing on your web applications is actually done by software developed in C. e.g. Apache, Thin, Nginx, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, many parsing libraries, RMagick, TCP/IP, etc are C programs used by Ruby. Ruby provides the glue and the business logic.

What are your options as a Ruby
programmer if you want to deal with
this "slowness"?

Switch to a faster language. But that carries a cost. It is a cost that may be worth it. But for most web applications, language choice is not a relevant factor because there is just not enough traffic justify using a faster language that costs much more to develop for.

Which version of Ruby would best suit
an application like Stack Overflow
where speed is critical and traffic is

Other folks have answered this - JRuby, IronRuby, REE will make the Ruby part of your application run faster on platforms that can afford the VMs. And since it is often not Ruby that causes slowness, but your computer system architecture and application architecture, you can do stuff like database replication, multiple application servers, loadbalancing with reverse proxies, HTTP caching, memcache, Ajax, client-side caching, etc. None of this stuff is Ruby.

Finally, I can't find much news on
Ruby 2.0 - I take it we're a good few
years away from that then?

Most folks are waiting for Ruby 1.9.1. I myself am waiting for Rails 3.1 on Ruby 1.9.1 on JRuby.

Finally, please remember that a lot of developers choose Ruby because it makes programming a more joyful experience compared to other languages, and because Ruby with Rails enables skilled web developers to develop applications very quickly.

What makes Ruby slow?

Ruby is slow. But what parts of it are the most problematic?

It does "late lookup" for methods, to allow for flexibility. This slows it down quite a bit. It also has to remember variable names per context to allow for eval, so its frames and method calls are slower. Also it lacks a good JIT compiler currently, though MRI 1.9 has a bytecode compiler (which is better), and jruby compiles it down to java bytecode, which then (can) compile via the HotSpot JVM's JIT compiler, but it ends up being about the same speed as 1.9.

How much does the garbage collector effect performance? I know I've had times when running the garbage collector alone took several seconds, especially when working with OpenGL libraries.

from some of the graphs at http://www.igvita.com/2009/06/13/profiling-ruby-with-googles-perftools/ I'd say it takes about 10% which is quite a bit--you can decrease that hit by increasing the malloc_limit in gc.c and recompiling.

I've used matrix math libraries with Ruby that were particularly slow. Is there an issue with how ruby implements basic math?

Ruby 1.8 "didn't" implement basic math it implemented Numeric classes and you'd call things like Fixnum#+ Fixnum#/ once per call--which was slow. Ruby 1.9 cheats a bit by inlining some of the basic math ops.

Are there any dynamic features in Ruby that simply cannot be implemented efficiently? If so, how do other languages like Lua and Python solve these problems?

Things like eval are hard to implement efficiently, though much work can be done, I'm sure. The kicker for Ruby is that it has to accomodate for somebody in another thread changing the definition of a class spontaneously, so it has to be very conservative.

Has there been recent work that has significantly improved performance?

1.9 is like a 2x speedup. It's also more space efficient. JRuby is constantly trying to improve speed-wise [and probably spends less time in the GC than KRI]. Besides that I'm not aware of much except little hobby things I've been working on. Note also that 1.9's strings are at times slower because of encoding friendliness.

Why are Ruby method calls particularly slow (in comparison to other languages)?

Compiled languages often have fast method dispatch because the calling code knows an index into the class' vtable, which is an array of method pointers. After just a few pointer dereferences, the calling code can jump right into the method. The compiler create the vtable, and replaces every method name in the source code with the numerical index of the method in the vtable.

Dynamic languages such as Ruby often have slow method dispatch because the calling code has a name for the method, not a pointer (nor an index into an array containing the pointers). The calling code has to ask the object for its class, then has to ask the class if it has a method by that name, and if not, go on up the chain of ancestors asking each ancestor if it has a method by that name (this is what the compiler does in a compiled language, which is why the compiling is slow and the method dispatch is fast). Rather than a few pointer dereferences costing just a few machine instructions to invoke a method, a dynamic language must execute dozens to hundreds of machine instructions to search the object's class and all the object's ancestor classes for the method. Each class has a HashTable of names -> methods, but HashTables with string keys are an order of magnitude slower than arrays with integer indexes.

There are ways to optimize method dispatch in dynamic langauges, of course. In Ruby, that's what JRuby, Rubinius, and IronRuby are working on. But that's a subject for another question.

Why is ruby so much slower on windows?

I would guess there are a few possible options, and they probably all add up:

  1. Ruby being mainly developed on Linux, it ends up mechanically optimised for it. The code is regularly tested for Windows and everything works, but the result is still that developer will spend more time optimising for Linux than Windows.
  2. To my experience, recent versions of gcc (4.3 and greater) produce code more efficient than recent versions of Visual Studio (at least 2005). My tests included in both case spending about a day finding the best options for code optimisation.
  3. Related to point 1, if you compile the same project using gcc for Windows or Linux, I usually observe a drop of performances of about 20% on Windows compared to Linux. Here again, I suppose this is because Linux (or Unices in general) is a primary target for gcc, windows is a port. Less time is spent optimising for Windows than Linux.

In the end, if one would want to optimise Ruby for Windows, a significant amount of time (and money, as far as I know, profilers on Windows don't come for free) will have to be spent using a profiler and optimising bottlenecks. And everything will have to be tested on Linux to make sure there is no loss of performance.

Of course, all than should be tested again with their new interpreter

Why does my Ruby script slow down over time?

This is the infamous garbage collector -- Ruby's memory managment mechanism.

Note: It's worth mentioning that Ruby, at least MRI, isn't a high performance language.

The garbage collector runs whenever memory starts to run out. The garbage collector pauses the execution of the program to deallocate any objects that can no longer be accessed. The garbage collector only runs when memory starts to run out. That's why you're seeing it periodically.

There's nothing you can do to avoid this, except write more memory efficiant code, or rewrite in a language that can has better/manual memory management.

Also, your OS may be paging. Do you have enough physical memory for this kind of task?

Why are Python and Ruby so slow, while Lisp implementations are fast?

Natively compiled Lisp systems are usually quite a bit faster than non-natively compiled Lisp, Ruby or Python implementations.


  • natively compiled -> compiles to machine code
  • compiled -> compiles to machine code or some other target (like byte code, JVM instructions, C code, ...)
  • interpreted Lisp -> runs s-expressions directly without compilation
  • interpreted Python -> runs compiled Python in a byte-code interpreter. The default Python implementation is not really interpreted, but using a compiler to a byte code instruction set. The byte code gets interpreted. Typically byte code interpreters are slower than execution of native code.

But keep in mind the following:

  • SBCL uses a native code compiler. It does not use a byte code machine or something like a JIT compiler from byte code to native code. SBCL compiles all code from source code to native code, before runtime. The compiler is incremental and can compile individual expressions. Thus it is used also by the EVAL function and from the Read-Eval-Print-Loop.
  • SBCL uses an optimizing compiler which makes use of type declarations and type inference. The compiler generates native code.
  • Common Lisp allows various optimizations which make the code less dynamic or not dynamic (inlining, early binding, no type checks, code specialized for declared types, tail-call optimizations, ...). Code which makes use of these advanced features can look complicated - especially when the compiler needs to be told about these things.
  • Without these optimizations compiled Lisp code is still faster than interpreted code, but slower than optimized compiled code.
  • Common Lisp provides CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System. CLOS code usually is slower than non-CLOS - where this comparison makes sense. A dynamic functional language tends to be faster than a dynamic object-oriented language.
  • If a language implementation uses a highly optimized runtime, for example for bignum arithmetic operations, a slow language implementation can be faster than an optimizing compiler. Some languages have many complex primitives implemented in C. Those tend to be fast, while the rest of the language can be very slow.
  • there can also be implementations of Python, which generate and run machine code, like the JIT compiler from PyPy. Ruby also now has a JIT compiler since Ruby 2.6.

Also some operations may look similar, but could be different. Is a for loop iterating over an integer variable really the same as a for loop which iterates over a range?

Will Ruby ever be *fast*?

Jörg W Mittag pointed me in the direction of Rubinius when I asked about Trace Trees finding their way to other scripting languages. Check them out for a faster Ruby.

As an interesting aside, unladen-swallow is trying to speed up Python by using LLVM.

Interesting stuff. There are plenty of unexplored tricks to speed up scripting but I wonder if language developers consider it a priority versus language features and libraries.

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