When to Use 'Self' in Ruby

In Ruby, when should you use self. in your classes?

Use self when calling a class's mutator. For example, this won't work:

class Foo
attr_writer :bar
def do_something
bar = 2

The problem is that 'bar = 2' creates a local variable named 'bar', rather than calling the method 'bar=' which was created by attr_writer. However, a little self will fix it:

class Foo
attr_writer :bar
def do_something
self.bar = 2

self.bar = 2 calls the method bar=, as desired.

You may also use self to call a reader with the same name as a local variable:

class Foo
attr_reader :bar
def do_something
bar = 123
puts self.bar

But it's usually better to avoid giving a local variable the same name as an accessor.

When to use self in module's methods

Use self in each method definition if you want the methods to be defined only in the singleton class of the module (where the methods defined using self live). Omit self and extend self if you want the methods of the module to be defined as instance methods and singleton methods at the same time.

For instance, you can call the method using RG::Stats.sum(array) and still have it listed by the instance_methods method if you do this:

module RG::Stats
extend self

def sum(a, args = {})
a.inject(0){ |accum, i| accum + i }

This way, the sum method is defined as an instance method and it is included in the singleton class of the module after using extend self.

You can check the instance methods of RG::Stats module to verify this:

=> [:sum]

With this technique you don't have to worry about defining the method without the self keyword because modules can't have instances so it cannot be called like an instance method of RG::Stats module. It can only be called as a singleton method RG::Stats.sum(array) thanks to the extend self statement.

When to use self for Ruby Class

The methods defined right inside a class block are instance methods:

class Foo
def bar

Methods defined within class << self inside a class block are class methods:

class Foo
class << self
def baz

Instance methods become available to any instance of a given class:

foo = Foo.new

Whereas class methods can be called directly on the class:


Attempting to call instance methods on the class or vice versa results in an error:

Foo.bar #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for Foo:Class
foo.baz #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `baz' for #<Foo:0x00007ffe20055a20>

Another way to define class methods is by prefixing the method name with self.:

class Foo
def self.baz

You could also define them outside the class block, although this is rarely seen:

def Foo.baz

Or likewise:

class << Foo
def baz

Note that defining methods this way is not limited to classes. You can add methods to arbitrary objects, e.g.:

o = Object.new

def o.hello
"hello from o"

#=> "hello from o"

Or via:

class << o
def hello
"hello from o"

Internally, these methods are added to the object's singleton class. It's a special purpose class to hold methods for just that instance:

#=> [:hello]

For the Foo class above:

Foo.instance_methods(false)                 #=> [:bar]
Foo.singleton_class.instance_methods(false) #=> [:baz]

So technically, a class method is just an instance method defined on the class' singleton class.

What does self mean in Ruby?

self refers to the object that is currently in context.

In your example, self is the class itself and def self.method is defining a class method. For example:

class MyClass
def self.method
puts "Hello!"

> MyClass.method
#=> "Hello"

You can also use self on instances of a class.

class MyClass
def method_a
puts "Hello!"

def method_b

> m = MyClass.new
> m.method_b
#=> "Hello!"

In this case, self refers to the instance of MyClass.

There is a good blog post on self in Ruby here, or, as it was pointed out in the comments, there is some more on this in the Ruby documentation.

How and why should I avoid using self in a Ruby method declaration

There's nothing wrong with using self, but it bypasses the requirement to create a variable instance of your object, so some die-hard OO programmers would suggest avoiding self for that reason. If you avoid "self" then you are forced to initialize your class and assign it to a variable name which forces you think of it as a true object, and not just a collection of functions.

Here's an example class to demonstrate how you would call methods with and without "self"

class StaticVersusObjectMethod

def self.class_method
puts 'Hello, static class method world!'

def object_method
puts 'Hello, object-oriented world!'


# No need to create an object instance variable if the method was defined with 'self'

# You must create an object instance variable to call methods without 'self'
object = StaticVersusObjectMethod.new


Hello, static class method world!
Hello, object-oriented world!

Whether you use self in the declaration should depend on the data you want your method to use. If the methods will only operate on the variables you pass in as parameters, then use 'self'. On the other hand, don't use 'self' if you want them to act as true object methods. "True" object methods can operate on the state of the class variables (fields) in the objects which you create and assign to a one or more variable names.

How to use Ruby's self keyword

In most cases self.foo is indeed redundant because you can just write foo for the same effect, but in this case it is not and the self is required.

var_one = method(args) will create a local variable called var_one, it will not call any method or do anything else to self.

self.var_one = method(args) will call the method var_one= on self with the argument method(args).

Another case where the use of self is non-optional would be if you want to pass it as an argument to a method, i.e. some_method(self) - you can't do that without the self keyword.

To use self. or not.. in Rails

def self.method_name

defines a class method.

def method_name

defines an instance method.

This is a pretty good post on it.

ruby should I use self. or @

When you use @lines, you are accessing the instance variable itself. self.lines actually goes through the lines method of the class; likewise, self.lines = x goes through the lines= method. So use @ when you want to access the variable directly, and self. when you want to access via the method.

To directly answer your question, normally you want to set the instance variables directly in your initialize method, but it depends on your use-case.

When to use self in Model?

When you're doing an action on the instance that's calling the method, you use self.

With this code

class SocialData < ActiveRecord::Base
def set_active_flag(val)
active_flag = val

You are defining a brand new scoped local variable called active_flag, setting it to the passed in value, it's not associated with anything, so it's promptly thrown away when the method ends like it never existed.

self.active_flag = val

However tells the instance to modify its own attribute called active_flag, instead of a brand new variable. That's why it works.

When to use 'self' in Ruby

Whenever you want to invoke a setter method on self, you have to write self.foo = bar. If you just write foo = bar, the ruby parser recognizes that as a variable assignment and thinks of foo as a local variable from now on. For the parser to realize, that you want to invoke a setter method, and not assign a local variable, you have to write obj.foo = bar, so if the object is self, self.foo = bar

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