When to Use Lambda, When to Use Proc.New

When to use lambda, when to use Proc.new?

Another important but subtle difference between procs created with lambda and procs created with Proc.new is how they handle the return statement:

  • In a lambda-created proc, the return statement returns only from the proc itself
  • In a Proc.new-created proc, the return statement is a little more surprising: it returns control not just from the proc, but also from the method enclosing the proc!

Here's lambda-created proc's return in action. It behaves in a way that you probably expect:

def whowouldwin

mylambda = lambda {return "Freddy"}

# mylambda gets called and returns "Freddy", and execution
# continues on the next line

return "Jason"


#=> "Jason"

Now here's a Proc.new-created proc's return doing the same thing. You're about to see one of those cases where Ruby breaks the much-vaunted Principle of Least Surprise:

def whowouldwin2

myproc = Proc.new {return "Freddy"}

# myproc gets called and returns "Freddy",
# but also returns control from whowhouldwin2!
# The line below *never* gets executed.

return "Jason"


#=> "Freddy"

Thanks to this surprising behavior (as well as less typing), I tend to favor using lambda over Proc.new when making procs.

Proc.new in Ruby: when do I need to use it?

What Proc.new (and lambda) does is, save all your statements in their original form (in an anonymous function), and doesn't evaluate them.

Date Validator gem must have some kind of test to check if a Proc was passed, and it evaluates it when it's actually validating the stuff.

Edit: It does this here - https://github.com/codegram/date_validator/blob/master/lib/active_model/validations/date_validator.rb#L47

option_value = option_value.call(record) if option_value.is_a?(Proc)

A quick example :

pry(main)> time_now = Time.now
=> 2011-06-19 21:07:07 +0530
pry(main)> time_proc = Proc.new { Time.now }
=> #<Proc:0x9710cc4@(pry):1>
pry(main)> time_proc.call
=> 2011-06-19 21:07:28 +0530
pry(main)> time_proc.call
=> 2011-06-19 21:07:31 +0530

Note that this will only work with libraries that do implement this kind of check, and not every function accepting a Time.

Speed differences between proc, Proc.new, lambda, and stabby lambda

So it seems you have three questions. The middle one is unclear to me, so I will address the other two:

Why is normal method invocation so much faster?

This is the easier of the questions.

First realize that the times involved here are for function call overhead. I did my own timings based on your code (but with an identity function instead of multiplication), and non-direct invocations took 49% longer. With one multiplication, non-direct invocations took only 43% longer. In other words, one reason why you're seeing a large disparity is that your function itself is doing almost nothing. Even a single multiplication makes 6% of the difference "vanish". In a method of any reasonable complexity, the method call overhead is usually going to be a relatively small percentage of the overall time.

Next, remember that a proc/block/lambda is essentially a chunk of code that is being carried around (though a block literal cannot be saved into a variable). This implies one more level of indirection than a method call...meaning that at the very least the CPU is going to have to traverse a pointer to something.

Also, remember that Ruby supports closures, and I'm betting there is some overhead in deciding which environment the indirect code should run in.

On my machine, running a C program that invokes a function directly has 10% less overhead than one that uses a pointer to a function. An interpreted language like Ruby, where closures are also involved, is definitely going to use more.

My measurements (Ruby 2.2) indicate a direct method invocation takes about as long as 6 multiplications, and an indirect invocation takes about as long as 10.

So while the overhead is nearly twice as large, remember that the overhead in both cases is often relatively small.

Are there any other (performance based) reasons to chose between the different approaches?

I'd say given the above data the answer is usually no: you're much better off using the construct that gives you the most maintainable code.

There are definitely good reasons to choose one over the other. To be honest, I'm surprised about the difference I see between lambdas and blocks (on my machine, lambdas have 20% less overhead). Lambdas create anonymous methods that include parameter list checking, so if anything I would expect it to be slightly slower, but my measurements put it ahead.

That the direct invocation is faster simply isn't surprising at all.

The place where this kind of thing makes a difference is in very frequently called code where the overhead adds up to be noticeable in wall-clock kinds of ways. In this case, it can make sense to do all manner of ugly optimizations to try to squeeze a bit more speed, all the way up to inlining code (dodge the function-call overhead altogether).

For example, say your application uses a database framework. You profile it and find a frequently-called, small (e.g. less than 20 multiplications worth of work) function that copies the data from the database result into data structures. Such a function might comprise the lion's share of the result processing, and simply inlining that function might shave off significant amounts of CPU time at the expense of some code clarity.

Simply inlining your "square function" into a long numeric calculation with a billion steps could save you dramatic amounts of time because the operation itself takes a lot less time than even a direct method invocation.

In most cases, though, you're better off with clean, clear code.

What's the difference between a proc and a lambda in Ruby?

One difference is in the way they handle arguments. Creating a proc using proc {} and Proc.new {} are equivalent. However, using lambda {} gives you a proc that checks the number of arguments passed to it. From ri Kernel#lambda:

Equivalent to Proc.new, except the resulting Proc objects check the number of parameters passed when called.

An example:

p = Proc.new {|a, b| puts a**2+b**2 } # => #<Proc:0x3c7d28@(irb):1>
p.call 1, 2 # => 5
p.call 1 # => NoMethodError: undefined method `**' for nil:NilClass
p.call 1, 2, 3 # => 5
l = lambda {|a, b| puts a**2+b**2 } # => #<Proc:0x15016c@(irb):5 (lambda)>
l.call 1, 2 # => 5
l.call 1 # => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
l.call 1, 2, 3 # => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)

In addition, as Ken points out, using return inside a lambda returns the value of that lambda, but using return in a proc returns from the enclosing block.

lambda { return :foo }.call # => :foo
return # => LocalJumpError: unexpected return
Proc.new { return :foo }.call # => LocalJumpError: unexpected return

So for most quick uses they're the same, but if you want automatic strict argument checking (which can also sometimes help with debugging), or if you need to use the return statement to return the value of the proc, use lambda.

Where and when to use Lambda?

It's true, you don't need anonymous functions (or lambdas, or whatever you want to call them). But there are a lot of things you don't need. You don't need classes—just pass all the instance variables around to ordinary functions. Then

class Foo
attr_accessor :bar, :baz
def frob(x)
bar = baz*x

would become

def new_Foo(bar,baz)

def bar(foo)
# Other attribute accessors stripped for brevity's sake

def frob(foo,x)
foo[0] = foo[1]*x

Similarly, you don't need any loops except for loop...end with if and break. I could go on and on.1 But you want to program with classes in Ruby. You want to be able to use while loops, or maybe even array.each { |x| ... }, and you want to be able to use unless instead of if not.

Just like these features, anonymous functions are there to help you express things elegantly, concisely, and sensibly. Being able to write some_function(lambda { |x,y| x + f(y) }) is much nicer than having to write

def temp(x,y)
x + f(y)
some_function temp

It's much bulkier to have to break off the flow of code to write out a deffed function, which then has to be given a useless name, when it's just as clear to write the operation in-line. It's true that there's nowhere you must use a lambda, but there are lots of places I'd much rather use a lambda.

Ruby solves a lot of the lambda-using cases with blocks: all the functions like each, map, and open which can take a block as an argument are basically taking a special-cased anonymous function. array.map { |x| f(x) + g(x) } is the same as array.map(&lambda { |x| f(x) + g(x) }) (where the & just makes the lambda "special" in the same way that the bare block is). Again, you could write out a separate deffed function every time—but why would you want to?

Languages other than Ruby which support that style of programming don't have blocks, but often support a lighter-weight lambda syntax, such as Haskell's \x -> f x + g x, or C#'s x => f(x) + g(x);2. Any time I have a function which needs to take some abstract behavior, such as map, or each, or on_clicked, I'm going to be thankful for the ability to pass in a lambda instead of a named function, because it's just that much easier. Eventually, you stop thinking of them as somehow special—they're about as exciting as literal syntax for arrays instead of empty().append(1).append(2).append(3). Just another useful part of the language.

1: In the degenerate case, you really only need eight instructions: +-<>[].,. <> move an imaginary "pointer" along an array; +- increment and decrement the integer in the current cell; [] perform a loop-while-non-zero; and ., do input and output. In fact, you really only need just one instruction, such as subleq a b c (subtract a from b and jump to c if the result is less than or equal to zero).

2: I've never actually used C#, so if that syntax is wrong, feel free to correct it.

proc return vs lambda return

You should see comment in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/723/4576274.

It states

A lambda is an anonymous method. Since it's a method, it returns a
value, and the method that called it can do with it whatever it wants,
including ignoring it and returning a different value.

A Proc is like
pasting in a code snippet. It doesn't act like a method. So when a
return happens within the Proc, that's just part of the code of the
method that called it

Need a memorable explanation of a proc and lambda

A few resources:

  • When to use lambda, when to use Proc.new?
  • Understanding Ruby Blocks, Procs and Lambdas

There's also an entire chapter in the Read Ruby 1.9 book

Which is better to use in Rails model validation: Proc or lambda?

The only difference I can think of would be a possibility to use early returns from λs. That said, the former would happily validate, while the latter would raise LocalJumpError:

validates :name, present: true,
if: -> { return false unless assotiation; assotiation.present? }
validates :name, present: true,
if: proc { return false unless assotiation; assotiation.present? }

Also, I use the following rule of thumb: strict is better than wide-open. So unless it’s absolutely definite that you need a proc, λ is the better tool to use everywhere.

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