Double VS Single Quotes

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?

PHP strings can be specified not just in two ways, but in four ways.

  1. Single quoted strings will display things almost completely "as is." Variables and most escape sequences will not be interpreted. The exception is that to display a literal single quote, you can escape it with a back slash \', and to display a back slash, you can escape it with another backslash \\ (So yes, even single quoted strings are parsed).
  2. Double quote strings will display a host of escaped characters (including some regexes), and variables in the strings will be evaluated. An important point here is that you can use curly braces to isolate the name of the variable you want evaluated. For example let's say you have the variable $type and you want to echo "The $types are". That will look for the variable $types. To get around this use echo "The {$type}s are" You can put the left brace before or after the dollar sign. Take a look at string parsing to see how to use array variables and such.
  3. Heredoc string syntax works like double quoted strings. It starts with <<<. After this operator, an identifier is provided, then a newline. The string itself follows, and then the same identifier again to close the quotation. You don't need to escape quotes in this syntax.
  4. Nowdoc (since PHP 5.3.0) string syntax works essentially like single quoted strings. The difference is that not even single quotes or backslashes have to be escaped. A nowdoc is identified with the same <<< sequence used for heredocs, but the identifier which follows is enclosed in single quotes, e.g. <<<'EOT'. No parsing is done in nowdoc.

Single quotes inside of single quotes and double quotes inside of double quotes must be escaped:

$string = 'He said "What\'s up?"';
$string = "He said \"What's up?\"";


I would not put too much weight on single quotes being faster than double quotes. They probably are faster in certain situations. Here's an article explaining one manner in which single and double quotes are essentially equally fast since PHP 4.3 (Useless Optimizations toward the bottom, section C). Also, this benchmarks page has a single vs double quote comparison. Most of the comparisons are the same. There is one comparison where double quotes are slower than single quotes.

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes in PostgreSQL?

Double quotes are for names of tables or fields. Sometimes You can omit them. The single quotes are for string constants. This is the SQL standard. In the verbose form, your query looks like this:

select * from "employee" where "employee_name"='elina';

Double vs single quotes

" " allows you to do string interpolation, e.g.:

world_type = 'Mars'
"Hello #{world_type}"

When should I use double or single quotes in JavaScript?

The most likely reason for use of single vs. double in different libraries is programmer preference and/or API consistency. Other than being consistent, use whichever best suits the string.

Using the other type of quote as a literal:

alert('Say "Hello"');
alert("Say 'Hello'");

This can get complicated:

alert("It's \"game\" time.");
alert('It\'s "game" time.');

Another option, new in ECMAScript 6, is template literals which use the backtick character:

alert(`Use "double" and 'single' quotes in the same string`);
alert(`Escape the \` back-tick character and the \${ dollar-brace sequence in a string`);

Template literals offer a clean syntax for: variable interpolation, multi-line strings, and more.

Note that JSON is formally specified to use double quotes, which may be worth considering depending on system requirements.

Double quotes vs single quotes in JavaScript

The difference is that you don't need to escape single quotes in double quotes, or double quotes in single quotes. That is the only difference, if you do not count the fact that you must hold the Shift key to type ".

What is the difference between single and double quotes in SQL?

Single quotes are used to indicate the beginning and end of a string in SQL. Double quotes generally aren't used in SQL, but that can vary from database to database.

Stick to using single quotes.

That's the primary use anyway. You can use single quotes for a column alias — where you want the column name you reference in your application code to be something other than what the column is actually called in the database. For example: would be more readable as product_id, so you use either of the following:

  • SELECT AS product_id
  • SELECT 'product_id'

Either works in Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL… but I know some have said that the TOAD IDE seems to give some grief when using the single quotes approach.

You do have to use single quotes when the column alias includes a space character, e.g., product id, but it's not recommended practice for a column alias to be more than one word.

What is the difference, if any, between using single quote and double quote in a python dictionary?

The differences is that when you have a string like:


It will throw a syntax-error because it contains two quotes side by side

so you need to do double quotes like:


And same thing doing the opposite:


Will throw an error.


won't throw an error

(on stack-overflow the displayed code is already doesn't look right)

Single quotes vs. double quotes in C or C++

In C and in C++ single quotes identify a single character, while double quotes create a string literal. 'a' is a single a character literal, while "a" is a string literal containing an 'a' and a null terminator (that is a 2 char array).

In C++ the type of a character literal is char, but note that in C, the type of a character literal is int, that is sizeof 'a' is 4 in an architecture where ints are 32bit (and CHAR_BIT is 8), while sizeof(char) is 1 everywhere.

Is there a difference between single and double quotes in Java?

Use single quotes for literal chars, double quotes for literal Strings, like so:

char c = 'a';
String s = "hello";

They cannot be used any other way around (like in Python, for example).

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