Using %I and %I Symbol Array Literal

Using %i and %I symbol array literal

I'm having trouble finding what the %i does in relation to a symbol array.

It is an array literal for an array of symbols. It does the same thing in relation to symbol arrays as ' does to strings.

What does %i or %I do in Ruby?

%i[ ] # Non-interpolated Array of symbols, separated by whitespace
%I[ ] # Interpolated Array of symbols, separated by whitespace

The second link from my search results

Examples in IRB:

%i[ test ]
# => [:test]
str = "other"
%I[ test_#{str} ]
# => [:test_other]

Is there a literal notation for an array of symbols?

Yes! This is possible now in Ruby 2.0.0. One way to write it is:

%i{foo bar}  # => [:foo, :bar]

You can also use other delimiters, so you could also write %i(foo bar) or %i!foo bar! for example.

This feature was originally announced here:

It is mentioned in the official documentation of Ruby here:

What does %w(array) mean?

%w(foo bar) is a shortcut for ["foo", "bar"]. Meaning it's a notation to write an array of strings separated by spaces instead of commas and without quotes around them. You can find a list of ways of writing literals in zenspider's quickref.

Create array of symbols

The original answer was written back in September '11, but, starting from Ruby 2.0, there is a shorter way to create an array of symbols! This literal:

%i[address city state postal country]

will do exactly what you want.

Sublime Text 3 Doesn't Recognize %i in ruby

The %i[foo bar] # [:foo :bar] literal notation for a symbol array was only implemented in Ruby 2.0, while the Ruby language definition that ships with ST3 is mostly focused on 1.9 and earlier. I searched around a bit, but unfortunately I couldn't find any .tmLanguage files that are updated for 2.0, let alone include this literal notation, so I can't point you to a ready-made solution. But, I do have a few suggestions.

First, head over to the unofficial Sublime Text Issues tracker and post a bug report. We're not sure how much attention is paid to this list by the developer, but it at least broadens the issue's visibility and may prompt someone to post a fix. You can also reply to this thread on the Sublime Text forum and perhaps reference your issue.

The second option, if you have good regex-fu, is to hack the Ruby.tmLanguage file and add support yourself. I was going to post directions on how to do it, but then I tried it myself and it seemed to work, so feel free to use my work:

  1. Go to Preferences -> Browse Packages to open up the Packages folder in your system's file explorer.
  2. Create a folder called Ruby2.
  3. Copy the contents of this gist into a new file, and save it in your Ruby2 directory as Ruby2.tmLanguage.
  4. Restart Sublime, switch to your problematic code, and select View -> Syntax -> Ruby2. Both lines should now be highlighted the same way. Here's a before and after screenshot using the Neon Color Scheme:

Ruby literal before and after

I hope this helps. I'm not a Rubyist, so if I made any blatant errors please let me know.

From my (brief) research there definitely seems to be a need for an updated version of Ruby.tmLanguage for all the new features in 2.0, so hopefully any issues you post will prompt someone to start/publish a project. I've already done something similar for Python, but my Ruby skillz just aren't there for this project :)

Good luck!

Ruby arrays: %w vs %W

%w quotes like single quotes '' (no variable interpolation, fewer escape sequences), while %W quotes like double quotes "".

irb(main):001:0> foo="hello"
=> "hello"
irb(main):002:0> %W(foo bar baz #{foo})
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz", "hello"]
irb(main):003:0> %w(foo bar baz #{foo})
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz", "\#{foo}"]

Ruby: how to initialize an array across several lines

You will want to put the comma, after the item like so

myarray = [
"string 1",
"string 2",
"string 3"

Also, if you might be thinking of putting the comma before the item, for say easy commenting or something like that while your working out your code. You can leave a hanging comma in there with no real adverse side effects.

myarray_comma_ended = [
"test2", # other langs you might have to comment out this comma as well
#"comment this one"

myarray_no_comma_end = [

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