Ruby, Using Regex to Find Something in Between Two Strings

How to return the substring of a string between two strings in Ruby?

input_string = "blahblahblahSTARTfoofoofooENDwowowowowo"
str1_markerstring = "START"
str2_markerstring = "END"

input_string[/#{str1_markerstring}(.*?)#{str2_markerstring}/m, 1]
#=> "foofoofoo"

or to put it in a method:

class String
def string_between_markers marker1, marker2
self[/#{Regexp.escape(marker1)}(.*?)#{Regexp.escape(marker2)}/m, 1]

"blahblahblahSTARTfoofoofooENDwowowowowo".string_between_markers("START", "END")
#=> "foofoofoo"

ruby, using regex to find something in between two strings

Between 1st + and 1st @:


Between 1st + and last @:


Between last + and last @:


Between last + and 1st @:


Regex match all strings between 2 characters

You forgot to escape the pipe (|), which is now interpreted as the indicator for an alternation

Your regex with the escaped pipe:


Here you can see the result

How to get text between two strings in ruby?

f is a file descriptor - you want to match on the text in the file, which you read into line. What I prefer to do instead of reading the text into an array (which is hard to regex on) is to just read it into one string:

contents = { |f| }
contents.match(/==========================(.*)Primary Category/m)[1].strip

The last line produces your desired output:

-This is the text I want to get \n-It can have 1 or many lines\n-These equal signs are repeated throughout the file to separate sections"

Ruby Regex to capture everything between two strings (inclusive)

I believe you're looking for an non-greedy regex, like this:

/<div class="the_class">(.*?)<\/div>/m

Note the added ?. Now, the capturing group will capture as little as possible (non-greedy), instead of as most as possible (greedy).

Ruby regex to capture part of content between two strings

Match all substrings between <code> and </code> and replace all \n with <br> in those matches only:

html = html.gsub(/<code>.*?<\/code>/m) { $~[0].gsub('\n', '<br>') }

Fetching the substring contained between two specific words

Simple regular expression would do:

@var = "Hi, I want to extract container_start **ONLY THIS DYNAMIC CONTENT** container_end from the message contained between the container_start and container_end "
@var[/container_start(.*?)container_end/, 1] # => " **ONLY THIS DYNAMIC CONTENT** "

Ruby get a list of all matching strings between two words using regex


Find strings that match two regular expressions

Is there a quick way in general? No. What are "all the strings" that match these pairs of regular expressions:

  • /.*/ and /\d*/? (There are infinitely many!)
  • /\A\d{10}\z/ and /\A[0-8]{10}\z/? (There are 3,486,784,401!)
  • /\w+\d{2,4}@?([[:punct:]]|\w){2}/ and /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)/ (I haven't even tried to work this out; my point is: you could provide arbitrarily complicated input!!)

...But for simple scenarios, such as what you've actually asked, it would be feasible to use this ruby gem:

/^A+\S{2}$/.examples(max_group_results: 999) & /^AB+\d{1}$/.examples(max_group_results: 999)
=> ["AB0", "AB1", "AB2", "AB3", "AB4", "AB5", "AB6", "AB7", "AB8", "AB9"]

Extract text between two tags using regex in Ruby

You can use:

html = '<a href="abgeordnete-1128-0----w8397.html" class="small_link">Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick</a>'

html[/>(.*)</, 1]
#=> "Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick"

When your HTML partials are more complex then I recommend using a libraries like Nokogiri:

html = '<a href="abgeordnete-1128-0----w8397.html" class="small_link">Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick</a>'

require 'nokogiri'

#=> "Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick"

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