Ruby on Windows7 - Could Not Find Gem

Ruby on Windows7 - could not find gem

Had the same problem. I have Windows 7 x64 so installed again with gem install buildr --platform mswin64 and it worked.

Can't install gems on Windows 7 64

After reading this on RubyGems Github that the problem might be with the installer I realized the problem might be with the installer. First I uninstalled the flawed version (Ruby 2.0.0-p353) and then installed 1.9.3-p484. Gem installs now run flawlessly, though not the latest preferred version.

Windows 7 64-bit: Could not find a valid gem 'compass' (= 0), here is why: Unable to download data from

Try upgrading your SSL certificates.

  1. Download

  2. Save this file anywhere you want, such as:

  3. On the command line, tell Ruby where to find the cert file, such as:

    set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\cacert.pem
  4. Try again.

    gem install compass
  5. If it works, you can make the cert file permanent by adding it in your control panel.

Credit and more info:

Ruby on Rails - doesn't recognise gem - installation issue?

You should not have to explicitly require gems in Rails. Just make sure you've added the flickr gem to your Gemfile and you've run the bundle install command.

Error installing gem install sass windows 7

I got friends thanks to

that have:
gem sources -a
comfirmed and then this:
gem install sass

C:\Ruby21>gem sources -a is recommended for security over

Do you want to add this insecure source? [yn] y added to sources

C:\Ruby21>gem install sass
Fetching: sass-3.4.12.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-3.4.12
Parsing documentation for sass-3.4.12
Installing ri documentation for sass-3.4.12
Done installing documentation for sass after 6 seconds
WARNING: Unable to pull data from '': SSL_connect returned
=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (htt
1 gem installed

C:\Ruby21>sass -v
Sass 3.4.12 (Selective Steve)

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