Ruby on Rails and JSON Parser from Url

Ruby on Rails and JSON parser from URL

JSON.load takes a source that is a String or IO object according to the documentation

[17] pry(main)> {hello: "World"}.to_json
=> "{\"hello\":\"World\"}"
[18] pry(main)> JSON.load(_)
=> {"hello"=>"World"}

You're giving it a String that is a URL and that's why you're getting an error. You can use open-uri to fetch the data from the URL to then be parsed by JSON like so...

[22] pry(main)> require 'open-uri'
=> false
[23] pry(main)> JSON.load(""))
=> {"current_user_url"=>"",

NOTE returns a StringIO object which responds to read returning the JSON data. JSON.load turns the data into a hash to be used.

To parse the JSON string you can either use JSON.load or JSON.parse

How to parse URL for JSON use in Rails?

You should have access to the token as params[:access_token] in the Rails controller that handles the callback.


In rails how to get content from a json in another url

You can use Rails UJS:

<%= link_to "Something", something_path, id: "people", data: { remote: true, type: 'json' } %>

Rails UJS binds an event handler to links and forms with the data-remote="true" attribute. The handler by default tries to get a JS format response - which we override by setting data-type="json".

Rails UJS fires custom events on the originating node which we can tap into:

// Put this in application.js or somewhere else in app/assets/javascripts
// not inline.
$(document).on('ajax:success', '#people', function(data, status){
var $el = $('#response');

$.each(data, function(p){
'<div class="name">'+ + p.age + p.gender + p.lonlat + +'</div>'

Another way to do it is by creating a js.erb template but thats a even worse of a mess.

how to parse json url response in rails

You can do:

def notify
response = JSON('').body

Turn image URL into the image after parsing JSon using Rails

What you are looking for is the image_tag helper

So in your case:

<td><%= image_tag(roster['image_url']) %></td>

Should do the trick

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