Rails Console - Find Where Created at = Certain Day

Rails Console - Find where created at = certain day

You can do it like this:

date = Date.parse('january 5 2013')
users = User.where(created_at: date.midnight..date.end_of_day)

Rails ActiveRecord Find / Search by Date

selected_date = Date.parse(params[:selected_date])
# This will look for records on the given date between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59
sh = SupportHistory.where(
:created_at => selected_date.beginning_of_day..selected_date.end_of_day)

Time Zones may be a concern you need to look into, but this should work if all your times are in the same time zone.

Active Record - Find records which were created_at before today

Using ActiveRecord the standard way:

MyModel.where("created_at < ?", 2.days.ago)

Using the underlying Arel interface:


Using some thin layer over Arel:

MyModel.where(MyModel[:created_at] < 2.days.ago)

Using squeel:

MyModel.where { created_at < 2.days.ago }

How to get record created today by rails activerecord?

Post.where(created_at: Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day..Time.zone.now.end_of_day)

PS: This answer has been modified as answer by Harish Shetty was better than mine. As my answer is accepted one. I have updated this answer for community support

Rails: Find tasks that were created on a certain day?

def todays_tasks(now = Time.now)
Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["starts_at > ? AND < ?", now.at_beginning_of_day, now.at_end_of_day])


Which DateTime method to use to fetch records for particular day?

You can use Date.today for getting records for a specific day like:-

date = Date.today
DailyDiagramsLog.where(:day => (date.beginning_of_day..date.end_of_day))
time = Time.now
DailyDiagramsLog.where(:day => time.beginning_of_day..time.end_of_day)

Find Records with Datetime that match today's date - Ruby on Rails

Keep in mind a DateTime holds a date and a time, so you're looking for records that have a precise value, not just the same day.

You can do this one of two ways. You can either select the range of time from the beginning of the day to the end, or you can create a date column to help group your data better.

The range version looks like this:

@deals = Deal.where('start BETWEEN ? AND ?', DateTime.now.beginning_of_day, DateTime.now.end_of_day).all

The other one requires creating a new start_date column in your table and populating it with the dates accordingly. You can index this date and have your queries run much faster, as range selections aren't always quick on large sets of data.

How to query the active record filtering by date?

You need to parse the Date like so:

Student.where(status:'active', created_at: (Date.parse('2021-05-01')..Date.parse('2021-05-31'))).count

You could also let Rails set the beginning and end of the month:

Student.where(status:'active', created_at: (Time.new(2021, 5).beginning_of_month..Time.new(2021, 5).end_of_month))).count

If status ist an enum you can also query like this:

Student.active.where(created_at: (Time.new(2021, 5).beginning_of_month..Time.new(2021, 5).end_of_month))).count

Rails where date is greater than given date query

Rails 3+ :

Movie.where('release > ?', DateTime.now)

Pre Rails 3

Movie.where(['release > ?', DateTime.now])

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