Ruby: How to Iterate Over an Array of Hashes and Return the Values in a Single String

How to iterate over an array of hashes in Ruby and return all of the values of a specific key in a string

You can use Enumerable#map for this:

p { |f| f[:name] }

The code you tried to use did not produce any output or create any objects, and it was not necessary to use a second loop to access a single element of a hash.

Ruby iterate over an array of hashes

There is no need for the second loop. The following does what you want:

keys = stack[:all].map(&:to_sym)
keys.each do |key|
stack[key][:COUNT] = stack[key][:MAX_SIZE] * 2

In the above code-block stack[:all] will return an array of keys as strings, .map(&:to_sym) will convert each string in the resulting array into a symbol.

Another way to achieve the same result would be to use either fetch_values or values_at to retrieve an array of values belonging to the provided keys. The difference being that fetch_values raises an exception if a key is missing while values_at returns nil for that key.

fruits = stack.fetch_values(*stack[:all].map(&:to_sym))
fruits.each do |fruit|
fruit[:COUNT] = fruit[:MAX_SIZE] * 2

If you are wondering why there is a * before stack[:all].map(&:to_sym), this is to convert the array into individual arguments. In this context * is called the spat operator.

How to iterate through an array of hashes in ruby

In newer versions of Ruby (not sure when it was introduced, probably around ruby 2.0-ish which is when I believe keyword arguments were introduced), you can do:

people.each do |salary:,**|
puts salary

where ** takes all the keyword arguments that you don't name and swallows them (ie, the first_name and job_title keys in the hash). If that isn't something that your ruby version allows, you'll need to just store the entire hash in the variable:

people.each do |person|
puts person[:salary]

iterate over an array of hashes to create data in rails

shoe_array is an array of hashes, so you should iterate over each hash, and access each key-value pair:

shoe_array.each do |hash|
department_id = hash[:department_id]
follower_id = hash[:follower_id]
user_id = 1

department_id: department_id,
follower_id: follower_id,
user_id: user_id

Loop through array of hash with a key containing an array

A simple approach is to just iterate both, array and product ids:

array.each do |hash|
hash[:product_ids].each do |product_id|
store_id: hash[:store_id],
product_id: product_id

You can wrap the above code in a transaction call to avoid having separate transactions for each create, i.e.:

StoreExcludedProduct.transaction do
array.each do |hash|
# ...

This also makes your code run in an all-or-nothing way.

Another option is insert_all which can insert multiple records at once. In order to use it, you have to first build an array of attributes for each record, i.e. you have to split the product ids. This works a lot like the above code:

attributes = array.flat_map do |hash|
hash[:products_ids].map do |product_id|
{ store_id: hash[:store_id], product_id: product_id }
#=> [
# {:store_id=>5, :product_id=>1},
# {:store_id=>5, :product_id=>4},
# {:store_id=>5, :product_id=>19},
# {:store_id=>5, :product_id=>40},
# {:store_id=>13, :product_id=>2},
# #...
# ]

which can be passed to insert_all:


Note that this performs a raw SQL query without instantiating any models or running any callbacks or validations.

Get a value from an array of hashes in ruby

The select statement will return all the hashes with the key 13.

If you already know which hash has the key then the below code will give u the answer.


However if you are not sure which of your hashes in the array has the value, then you could do the following:

values ={|h| h[13]}.compact

Values will have the value of key 13 from all the hashes which has the key 13.

Iterate over array of hashes to sum values of one hash value based on another hash key

each_with_object({}) do |hash, acc|
(acc[hash["CustID"]] ||= {"Customer" => hash["CustID"], "TotalSales" => 0}).
tap { |h| h["TotalSales"] += hash["Sales"].to_f }
sort_by { |h| -h["TotalSales"] }.
with_index(1) { |h, idx| h.merge("Rank" => idx) }

#⇒ [{"Customer"=>"Cust06", "TotalSales"=>2266.2925, "Rank"=>1},
# {"Customer"=>"Cust07", "TotalSales"=>2149.02, "Rank"=>2},
# {"Customer"=>"Cust08", "TotalSales"=>114.90699999999998, "Rank"=>3},
# {"Customer"=>"Cust04", "TotalSales"=>110.774, "Rank"=>4},
# {"Customer"=>"Cust09", "TotalSales"=>24.105, "Rank"=>5},
# {"Customer"=>"Cust02", "TotalSales"=>15.24, "Rank"=>6}]

Iterate an array of hashes

For your corrected data format:

@locations = { "cities"=>[
{ "longitude"=>-77.2497049,
"country"=>"United States",
"city"=>"Woodbridge, VA"},
{ "longitude"=>-122.697236,
"city"=>"Fort Nelson, BC" }] }

@locations["cities"].each { |h| puts h["city"] }
Woodbridge, VA
Fort Nelson, BC

or to save in an array:

@locations["cities"].each_with_object([]) { |h,a| a << h["city"] }
#=> ["Woodbridge, VA", "Fort Nelson, BC"]

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