Check If User Is Active Before Allowing User to Sign in with Devise (Rails)

Check if user is active before allowing user to sign in with devise (rails)

Add these two methods to your user model, devise should pick them up automatically - you should NOT need to extend Devise::SessionsController

def active_for_authentication?
super && self.your_method_for_checking_active # i.e. super && self.is_active

def inactive_message
"Sorry, this account has been deactivated."

Devise log in with one more condition to check

You should look at adding :confirmable to your User model, it may take care of most of what you are looking to do.

Otherwise, if you want to modify whether someone can login, look at the wiki on how to customize account validation.

From the wiki:

def active_for_authentication?
# Uncomment the below debug statement to view the properties of the returned
# self model values.
# logger.debug self.to_yaml

super && account_active?

Rails Devise check if User has not Logged in

You can use

<% if !user_signed_in? %>


<% if not user_signed_in? %>


<% unless user_signed_in? %>

! and not negate the preceding boolean expression, while unless is the exact opposite of if.

Ruby on Rails: Edit Sessions controller create action to check if user is active

The most simple way to do this is really just add a custom valid_for_authentication? method in the resource devise is using, so in Users.rb:

def valid_for_authentication?
super && !deactivation_date?

Show a page only if user is signed in? Ruby/Devise

You could do something on the page like this:

<% if user_signed_in? %>
<div> show content here </div>
<%else %>
<p>Please Sign Up or Sign In to view the content.</p>

<h2><%= link_to "Sign up", new_user_registration_path%>

<% end %>

Hope it helps!

Or setup a before_action inside the controller:

before_action :authenticate_user!

The official documentation has details

Devise before_authenticate?

I've found that you can stack before_filters in the controller, so if you wanted to check for an authenticate_user!, you could also use a before_filter (after authenticate_user!) to check for a locked user. If the user model has a boolean attribute locked, you can simply write a private method in your controller (or helper) like this:

#top of controller
before_filter authenticate_user!
before_filter user_active!

#bottom of controller
def user_active!
unless current_user.locked?
return true
redirect_to root_url, :notice => "Your account is locked."
return false

This will give you the page you want if you're an unlocked user, and redirect you to the root page with an error message if the user is locked.

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