Rails Generate Controller Gives Me Load Error

Rails Generate Controller gives me load error

The problems is the Rails 4.2.0.beta depends on the pty gem and is unable to find it:

`require': cannot load such file -- pty

The reason is that the pty gem is not available on Windows. Hopefully that gets fixed before Rails 4.2 is released. At the moment you can fix this problem by removing the web-console gem from your Gemfile:

# Gemfile
# gem 'web-console'

Run bundle install after removing that gem.

To fix the problem that no source of timezone data could be found (TZinfo::DataSourceNotFound) please add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw]

And then try again:

bundle install
bundle exec rails generate controller StaticPages home help

Rails error while trying to load a Service in a controller

Generally, this is probably a problem with where you've put your files and where Rails expect them. An in-depth guide can be found here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/autoloading_and_reloading_constants.html.

To solve it, there are three options:

  • put the module and class where Rails autoloading expects them (IMO this is the preferred solution)
  • require the file where the class is defined
  • add the folder where the file containing the class is located to the autoload paths

1: You need to make sure that RabbitPublisherService and RabbitPublisher are in a location that Rails can autoload them, for instance app/services/rabbit_publisher_service.rb and app/services/rabbit_publisher_service/rabbit_publisher.rb.

2: Use require or (probably better) require_relative.

3: Alternatively you can explicitly add the path to the autoload/eager load paths.

In my opinion, you should stick with option 1 unless you have a very good reason not to. Using Rails' defaults keeps the code to a minimum and prevents surprises for fellow developers who expect Rails defaults. Number 2 is OK as well since it's explicit. I'd definitely avoid option 3 because it sooner or later always creates a mess when you put loads of files in unexpected locations and it makes it harder for other developers who are used to Rails defaults and expect them.

Rails Generate Controller Pages Home : Helper Error

Thank you guys for all the replies, finally figured it out, like all the other SO answers, its something to do with the capitalization of file names which I just couldn't figure out, so I just wrote it directly to /c instead of ~/desktop, then in application.html.erb just changed application in lines 5 and 6 to default and it works... Wasn't missing any files or needed to do any commands or anything

rails generate command return error

It looks like you're in your home directory. To generate a rails controller you should be in the directory of the rails application you want to modify.

edit: If this isn't the case, paste what happens when you do this (from a clean directory):

rails new new-app
cd new-app
rails g controller welcome index

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