Rails 4: List of Available Datatypes

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

Here are all the Rails 4 (ActiveRecord migration) datatypes:

  • :binary
  • :boolean
  • :date
  • :datetime
  • :decimal
  • :float
  • :integer
  • :bigint
  • :primary_key
  • :references
  • :string
  • :text
  • :time
  • :timestamp

Source: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/ConnectionAdapters/SchemaStatements.html#method-i-add_column

These are the same as with Rails 3.

If you use PostgreSQL, you can also take advantage of these:

  • :hstore
  • :json
  • :jsonb
  • :array
  • :cidr_address
  • :ip_address
  • :mac_address

They are stored as strings if you run your app with a not-PostgreSQL database.

More PostgreSQL data types

  • Rails 4
  • Rails 5
  • Rails 6
  • Rails 7

Where is the documentation page for ActiveRecord data types?

If you're talking about the types for migrations, e.g. string, integer, datetime, etc, then you want ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition, the column method. (Rails 5 edit: see also connection.add_column.)

As of this update, the standard types are:

  • :primary_key
  • :string
  • :text
  • :integer
  • :bigint
  • :float
  • :decimal
  • :numeric
  • :datetime
  • :time
  • :date
  • :binary
  • :boolean

The implementation of :decimal is different with each database, so I'd avoid it if possible. You may use a type not in this list as long as it is supported by your database (for example, :polygon in MySQL), but this will not be database agnostic and should also be avoided.

List of ActiveRecord DB datatypes as symbols/strings

You can use this command (run on an app using PG)


# [:primary_key, :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal,
:datetime, :time, :date, :daterange, :numrange, :tsrange,
:tstzrange, :int4range, :int8range, :binary, :boolean, :xml,
:tsvector, :hstore, :inet, :cidr, :macaddr, :uuid, :json, :jsonb,
:ltree, :citext, :point, :line, :lseg, :box, :path, :polygon,
:circle, :bit, :bit_varying, :money]


You can also browse the source code and get this massive array.


primary_key: "bigserial primary key",
string: { name: "character varying" },
text: { name: "text" },
integer: { name: "integer" },
float: { name: "float" },
decimal: { name: "decimal" },
datetime: { name: "timestamp" },
time: { name: "time" },
date: { name: "date" },
daterange: { name: "daterange" },
numrange: { name: "numrange" },
tsrange: { name: "tsrange" },
tstzrange: { name: "tstzrange" },
int4range: { name: "int4range" },
int8range: { name: "int8range" },
binary: { name: "bytea" },
boolean: { name: "boolean" },
xml: { name: "xml" },
tsvector: { name: "tsvector" },
hstore: { name: "hstore" },
inet: { name: "inet" },
cidr: { name: "cidr" },
macaddr: { name: "macaddr" },
uuid: { name: "uuid" },
json: { name: "json" },
jsonb: { name: "jsonb" },
ltree: { name: "ltree" },
citext: { name: "citext" },
point: { name: "point" },
line: { name: "line" },
lseg: { name: "lseg" },
box: { name: "box" },
path: { name: "path" },
polygon: { name: "polygon" },
circle: { name: "circle" },
bit: { name: "bit" },
bit_varying: { name: "bit varying" },
money: { name: "money" },
interval: { name: "interval" },
oid: { name: "oid" },



primary_key: "bigint auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
string: { name: "varchar", limit: 255 },
text: { name: "text", limit: 65535 },
integer: { name: "int", limit: 4 },
float: { name: "float" },
decimal: { name: "decimal" },
datetime: { name: "datetime" },
timestamp: { name: "timestamp" },
time: { name: "time" },
date: { name: "date" },
binary: { name: "blob", limit: 65535 },
boolean: { name: "tinyint", limit: 1 },
json: { name: "json" },

How to get list of available attributes using ActiveRecord enum Rails


This will give you a ruby hash of the fruit names. Also your enum is wrong.

enum fruit_names: { banana: 0, apple: 1}

Enums are stored as an integer in the database so be careful with them. They are fantastic. You can also call:


That will return all the bananas objects.

Rails 4, has_many through, return a list of available items for a particular category

Both of your proposed solutions are valid, but let's look at some code:

Option 1 — Rails Defaults

resources :categories do
resources :items

# /categories/42/items/7

On its own, Rails would route this to the ItemsController, which would be responsible for doing something with the category_id that is passed in. If your application architecture/logic doesn't really ask to be done differently, I would start with this approach.

Option 2 — “Show a Category”

resources :categories, :items

class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
def index
@categories = Category.all

def show
@category = Category.includes(:items).find params[:id]

This approach is great if the notion of showing a controller would naturally show its items. This might not be appropriate in your case given the typical nature of many-to-many relationships, but it really depends on the context.

Option 3 — Three Tidy Controllers

If you find that your items#show or items#index methods are starting to get overly conditional, I would look into changing up your routing and adding a controller:

class CategorizedItemsController < ApplicationController
# ...

resources :categories
resources :items
scope '/categories/:category_id/' do
resources :items, controller: :categorized_items

This is less obvious to another developer joining your project, and starts to make reasoning about your routes a little more challenging, so I wouldn't begin with it. It's a great solution, though, and one that you shouldn't hesitate to adopt if you find your existing controller hierarchy failing to represent your actions within the bounds of RESTful routing.


Rails model with column that can represent multiple datatypes

Yes this can be done. Thanks to @dbugger, it is important to also remember to validate data stored in response as well as use begin rescue blocks to protect against instances where the response cannot be converted.

List of Rails Model Types

The attributes are SQL types, hence the following are supported:

  • :binary
  • :boolean
  • :date
  • :datetime
  • :decimal
  • :float
  • :integer
  • :primary_key
  • :string
  • :text
  • :time
  • :timestamp

These are documented under column in the Active Record API.

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