Pass Variables to Ruby Script Via Command Line

Pass variables to Ruby script via command line

Something like this:

ARGV.each do|a|
puts "Argument: #{a}"


$ ./test.rb "test1 test2"


v1 = ARGV[0]
v2 = ARGV[1]
puts v1 #prints test1
puts v2 #prints test2

Pass variable from shell script into inline ruby command?

Your program does not work because the parameter expansion in the command line does not happen in the strings enclosed in apostrophes.

The Ruby code you run is exactly puts $foo and, because its name starts with $, for the Ruby code $foo is an uninitialized global variable. The Ruby program outputs an empty line but the newline is trimmed by $() and the final value stored in the shell variable bar is an empty string.

If you try ruby -e "puts $foo" (because the parameters are expanded between double quotes) you'll find out that it also does not produce what you want but, even more, it throws an error. The Ruby code it executes is puts kroe761 and it throws because kroe761 is an unknown local variable or method name.

Building the Ruby program in the command line this way is not the right way to do it (and doing it right it's not as easy as it seems).

I suggest you to pass the value of $foo as an argument to the script in the command line and use the global variable ARGV in the Ruby code to retrieve it.

bar=$(ruby -e 'puts ARGV[0]' "$foo")
echo "My name is $bar"

It is very important to put $foo between quotes, otherwise, if it contains spaces, it is not passed to ruby as one argument but the shell splits it by spaces into multiple arguments.

Check it online.

Parse command line arguments in a Ruby script

Based on the answer by @MartinCortez here's a short one-off that makes a hash of key/value pairs, where the values must be joined with an = sign. It also supports flag arguments without values:

args = Hash[ ARGV.join(' ').scan(/--?([^=\s]+)(?:=(\S+))?/) ]

…or alternatively…

args = Hash[ ARGV.flat_map{|s| s.scan(/--?([^=\s]+)(?:=(\S+))?/) } ]

Called with -x=foo -h --jim=jam it returns {"x"=>"foo", "h"=>nil, "jim"=>"jam"} so you can do things like:

puts args['jim'] if args.key?('h')
#=> jam

While there are multiple libraries to handle this—including GetoptLong included with Ruby—I personally prefer to roll my own. Here's the pattern I use, which makes it reasonably generic, not tied to a specific usage format, and flexible enough to allow intermixed flags, options, and required arguments in various orders:

docubot [-h] [-v] [create [-s shell] [-f]] directory [-w writer] [-o output_file] [-n] [-l log_file]

-h, --help Show this help.
-v, --version Show the version number (#{DocuBot::VERSION}).
create Create a starter directory filled with example files;
also copies the template for easy modification, if desired.
-s, --shell The shell to copy from.
Available shells: #{DocuBot::SHELLS.join(', ')}
-f, --force Force create over an existing directory,
deleting any existing files.
-w, --writer The output type to create [Defaults to 'chm']
Available writers: #{DocuBot::Writer::INSTALLED_WRITERS.join(', ')}
-o, --output The file or folder (depending on the writer) to create.
[Default value depends on the writer chosen.]
-n, --nopreview Disable automatic preview of .chm.
-l, --logfile Specify the filename to log to.


ARGS = { :shell=>'default', :writer=>'chm' } # Setting default values
UNFLAGGED_ARGS = [ :directory ] # Bare arguments (no flag)
next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first
ARGV.each do |arg|
case arg
when '-h','--help' then ARGS[:help] = true
when 'create' then ARGS[:create] = true
when '-f','--force' then ARGS[:force] = true
when '-n','--nopreview' then ARGS[:nopreview] = true
when '-v','--version' then ARGS[:version] = true
when '-s','--shell' then next_arg = :shell
when '-w','--writer' then next_arg = :writer
when '-o','--output' then next_arg = :output
when '-l','--logfile' then next_arg = :logfile
if next_arg
ARGS[next_arg] = arg
UNFLAGGED_ARGS.delete( next_arg )
next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first

puts "DocuBot v#{DocuBot::VERSION}" if ARGS[:version]

if ARGS[:help] or !ARGS[:directory]
puts USAGE unless ARGS[:version]
puts HELP if ARGS[:help]

if ARGS[:logfile]
$stdout.reopen( ARGS[:logfile], "w" )
$stdout.sync = true
$stderr.reopen( $stdout )

# etc.

How to pass parameters to ruby command line script

Like many other Unix utilities, ruby recognizes - as a special filename for STDIN:

$ echo "p ARGV" | ruby - foo bar
["foo", "bar"]


$ ruby - foo bar << EE
> p ARGV
> EE
["foo", "bar"]

or: (pressing controlD to end the input)

$ ruby - foo bar
["foo", "bar"]

Run ruby script in terminal with parameters

Save it to a file like this:

def add(*numbers)
numbers.inject(0) { |sum, number| sum + number }

result = add(*
puts result

Then run it like ruby add_method.rb 4 6.

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