Multistep Form with Activeadmin

Multistep form with ActiveAdmin?

I've been fretting with this issue myself. I found that you can add your own pages using collection actions in your ActiveAdmin file. Say your model is called MyModel, you would add this to your ActiveAdmin my_model.rb file.

# GET /admin/my_model/page1
collection_action :page1, :method => :get do
render 'admin/page1'

# POST /admin/my_model/page1
collection_action :page1, :method => :post do
# Do your form processing
redirect_to test_admin_my_model_path

# GET /admin/my_model/page2
collection_action :page2, :method => :get do
render 'admin/page2'

You would then need to create a view at /app/views/admin/page1.html.erb and page2.html.erb

Multistep form with ActiveAdmin?

I've been fretting with this issue myself. I found that you can add your own pages using collection actions in your ActiveAdmin file. Say your model is called MyModel, you would add this to your ActiveAdmin my_model.rb file.

# GET /admin/my_model/page1
collection_action :page1, :method => :get do
render 'admin/page1'

# POST /admin/my_model/page1
collection_action :page1, :method => :post do
# Do your form processing
redirect_to test_admin_my_model_path

# GET /admin/my_model/page2
collection_action :page2, :method => :get do
render 'admin/page2'

You would then need to create a view at /app/views/admin/page1.html.erb and page2.html.erb

How can ActiveAdmin start sorting columns after the first click on columns' header in ascending order?

Unfortunately what you want to do doesn't seem configurable because desc, the default sort, is hard-coded. However, if you would like a monkey patch, you can put code below in config/initializers/active_admin.rb which overrides the default behaviour.

module ActiveAdmin
module Views
class TableFor < Arbre::HTML::Table
def order_for_sort_key(sort_key)
current_key, current_order = current_sort
return 'asc' unless current_key == sort_key
current_order == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'

RESTful way to deal with multi-step new action in Rails 3

Have a look at this screencast for a multistep form.

Ryanb is using a nice way with the validations for each step and keeping everything in the create action so no need to have extra routes.

Creating custom nested forms in RailsAdmin

This isn't a good final answer but I was able to get around the problem with the following JS hack in ui.js

  var oldNestedFormEvents = window.nestedFormEvents.insertFields
window.nestedFormEvents.insertFields = function (content, assoc, link) {
if ($(link).closest('.no_tabs').length > 0) {
return $(content).insertBefore(link);
} else {
return oldNestedFormEvents(content, assoc, link);

On custom partials where I want to use a nested form, I simply add the 'no_tabs' class to their containing div and reuse the original insertFields method from bbenezech-nested_forms.

Displaying a comment box on customized ActiveAdmin Show page

I got Answer :-P

ActiveAdmin.register Book do
scope :all, :default => true
scope :publish

show do
attributes_table :name, :description, :owner, :company, :publish, :publisher
active_admin_comments # Add this line for comment block

Just add "active_admin_comments" at the end of show block.
I found it on source code of demo site

How to locate unpermitted params :id in active admin?

It's not the building :id, it's the address_attributes that should have the :id added.

So in building.rb:

permit_params :name, :construction_year, :floors, :building_type, :energy_label, :owner_id, :manager_id, :project_ids,
address_attributes: [:id, :street, :number, :postal_code, :city]

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