Loaderror Running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2

LoadError running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2

You have already activated mongrel 1.2. 0.pre2, but your Gemfile requires mongrel 1.1.5. Consider using bundle exec. is the key but I have not been able to solve it.

You were almost there!

gem 'mongrel', '>= 1.2.0.pre2'

The second parameter tells bundler to require a version equal to or greater than 1.2.0.pre2, which you have to use when using Ruby 1.9.2.

The Bundler page provides a nice reference on how to use the Gemfile: http://gembundler.com/gemfile.html

Problem running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.8.7

What does gem listreturns?

How does your Gemfile looks like?

Did you try reinstalling Rails?

Consider using RVM and a Gemset for each project so that you can isolate gem conflicts.


Mongrel on windows with rails3

I have a similar setup that works now for me. Here are the details:

  • I installed Ruby 1.9.2 (ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18) [i386-mingw32])
  • I installed Mongrel through Gem (mongrel (1.2.0.pre2 x86-mingw32). It is necessary to take here the version 1.2.0.pre2, because the 1.1.x versions don't work with Rails 3.
  • I added the line gem 'mongrel', '1.2.0.pre2' to the Gemfile in my Rails application.

I start the server with rails s, and it takes Mongrel as a default. See the similar question LoadError running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2

Hope the same setup works for you as well.

Performance difference between Passanger and Mongrel web server

First of all, Passenger shouldn't be too slow. Unless you're dealing with some significant traffic, I imagine any inherent performance differences between passenger and mongrel shouldn't matter too much. Most likely, the slowness is caused by the way you've got passenger configured.

Does it respond slowly only when you haven't sent a request in a while? If so this should help: Slow initial server startup when using Phusion Passenger and Rails

I remember having this issue with passenger a while ago, and resolving it. I don't remember exactly what I did but if you google it I do know there's a lot of info, so I'd start with that and update your question once you have some more specifics.

Ruby on Rails Error on Windows 10

i m using ruby on rails from last one year , i would recommend you to use linux or ubuntu for ruby on rails as most of the tools are not compatible with windows for development, but still if you want to use on windows os the follow this ruby on rails on window hopefully this will help you.

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