How to Use Ruby Metaprogramming to Add Callbacks to a Rails Model

How do I use Ruby metaprogramming to add callbacks to a Rails model?

This looks like a good case for ActiveSupport::Concern. You can tweak your cachebacks method slightly to add it as a class method on the including class:

module Cacheable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern

module ClassMethods
def cachebacks(&block)
klass = self
[:after_save, :after_destroy].each do |callback|
self.send(callback, proc { cache!(CACHEABLE[klass], *klass.instance_eval(&block)) })

def cache!(fields, *objects)
# ...

# ...

To use it:

class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
include Cacheable
cachebacks { all }

The block you pass to cachebacks will be executed in the context of the class that's calling it. In this example, { all } is equivalent to calling Example.all and passing the results into your cache! method.

To answer your question in the comments, Concern encapsulates a common pattern and establishes a convention in Rails. The syntax is slightly more elegant:

included do
# behaviors

# instead of

def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
# behaviors

It also takes advantage of another convention to automatically and correctly include class and instance methods. If you namespace those methods in modules named ClassMethods and InstanceMethods (although as you've seen, InstanceMethods is optional), then you're done.

Last of all, it handles module dependencies. The documentation gives a good example of this, but in essence, it prevents the including class from having to explicitly include dependent modules in addition to the module it's actually interested in.

Ruby on Rails - Callbacks

While the possible duplicate is correct, in order to alter a model in rails without editing that models code to explicitly include the listened, you to use the following:

Host::Managed.send(:include, ::HostExtensions::ManagedHost)

Which is telling the Host::Managed class that it should include the HostExtensions::ManagedHost module at runtime.

And for completeness sake, if you're doing this in a Rails App you may need to add something like this to your Engine class (engine.rb):

config.to_prepare do
require File.expand_path('../../../app/models/concerns/host_extensions/managedhost', __FILE__)
Host::Managed.send(:include, ::HostExtensions::ManagedHost)

Ruby / Rails metaprogramming: generating helper methods on the fly

The problem you're trying to solve (keeping your views from hitting model methods) isn't solved by delegating the same logic to a view helper. You should be doing this in your controllers if you want to stick to the MVC convention of keeping your views from triggering SQL queries.

def index
models = Foo, Bar, Bat
@counts = models.inject({}) do |result, model|
result[] = model.count

You then have a nice hash of the counts of each of the models passed:

@counts #=> { :foo => 3, :bar => 59, :bat => 42 }

How to dynamically add class methods to Rails Models using module

ActiveSupport provides a pretty idiomatic and cool way of doing that, ActiveSupport::Concern :

module Whatever
extend ActiveSupport::Concern

module ClassMethods
def say_hello_to(to)
puts "Hello #{to}"

class YourModel
include Whatever

say_hello_to "someone"

See the API doc. Although it is not directly related to your question, the included method is incredibly useful for models or controllers (scopes, helper methods, filters, etc), plus ActiveSupport::Concern handles dependencies between modules for free (both as in freedom and as in beer).

Add callback method to observer dynamically

In short, this behavior is due to the fact that Rails hooks up UserObserver callbacks to User events at the initialization time. If the after_create callback is not defined for UserObserver at that time, it will not be called, even if later added.

If you are interested in more details on how that observer initialization and hook-up to the wobserved class works, at the end I posted a brief walk-through through the Observer implementation. But before we get to that, here is a way to make your tests work. Now, I'm not sure if you want to use that, and not sure why you decided to test the observer behavior in the first place in your application, but for the sake of completeness...

After you do define_method(:after_create) for observer in your matcher insert the explicit call to define_callbacks (a protected method; see walkthrough through the Observer implementatiin below on what it does) on observer instance. Here is the code:

observer.class_eval do
define_method(:after_create) { |user| }
observer.instance.instance_eval do # this is the added code
define_callbacks(obj.class) # - || -
end # - || -

A brief walk-through through the Observer implementation.

Note: I'm using the "rails-observers" gem sources (in Rails 4 observers were moved to an optional gem, which by default is not installed). In your case, if you are on Rails 3.x, the details of implementation may be different, but I believe the idea will be the same.

First, this is where the observers' instantiation is launched: Basically, call ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers in ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record), i.e. when the ActiveRecord library is loaded.

In the same file you can see how it takes the config.active_record.observers parameter normally provided in the config/application.rb and passes it to the observers= defined here:

But back to ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers. It just cycles through all defined observers and calls instantiate_observer for each of them. Here is where the instantiate_observer is implemented: Basically, it makes a call to Observer.instance (as a Singleton, an observer has a single instance), which will initialize that instance if that was not done yet.

This is how Observer initialization looks like: I.e. a call to add_observer!.

You can see add_observer!, together with and define_callbacks that it calls, here:

This define_callbacks method goes through all the callbacks defined in your observer class (UserObserver) at that time and creates "_notify_#{observer_name}_for_#{callback}" methods for the observed class (User), and register them to be called on that event in the observed class (User, again).

In your case, it should have been _notify_user_observer_for_after_create method added as after_create callback to User. Inside, that _notify_user_observer_for_after_create would call update on the UserObserver class, which in turn would call after_create on UserObserver, and all would work from there.

But, in your case after_create doesn't exist in UserObserver during Rails initialization, so no method is created and registered for User.after_create callback. Thus, no luck after that with catching it in your tests. That little mystery is solved.

Custom Hook/Callback/Macro Methods

Here's a solution that uses prepend. When you call before_operations for the first time it creates a new (empty) module and prepends it to your class. This means that when you call method foo on your class, it will look first for that method in the module.

The before_operations method then defines simple methods in this module that first invoke your 'before' method, and then use super to invoke the real implementation in your class.

class ActiveClass
def self.before_operations(before_method,*methods)
prepend( ) unless @active_wrapper
methods.each do |method_name|
@active_wrapper.send(:define_method,method_name) do |*args,&block|
send before_method

class SubClass < ActiveClass
before_operations :first_validate_something, :do_this_method, :do_that_method

def do_this_method(*args,&block)
p doing:'this', with:args, and:block
def do_that_method; end


def first_validate_something
p :validating
end,4){ |x| p x }
#=> :validating
#=> {:doing=>"this", :with=>[3, 4], :and=>#<Proc:0x007fdb1301fa18@/tmp.rb:31>}

If you want to make the idea by @SteveTurczyn work you must:

  1. receive the args params in the block of define_method, not as arguments to it.
  2. call before_operations AFTER your methods have been defined if you want to be able to alias them.


class ActiveClass
def self.before_operations(before_method, *methods)
methods.each do |meth|
raise "No method `#{meth}` defined in #{self}" unless method_defined?(meth)
orig_method = "_original_#{meth}"
alias_method orig_method, meth
define_method(meth) do |*args,&block|
send before_method
send orig_method, *args, &block

class SubClass < ActiveClass
def do_this_method(*args,&block)
p doing:'this', with:args, and:block
def do_that_method; end

before_operations :first_validate_something, :do_this_method, :do_that_method

def first_validate_something
p :validating
end,4){ |x| p x }
#=> :validating
#=> {:doing=>"this", :with=>[3, 4], :and=>#<Proc:0x007fdb1301fa18@/tmp.rb:31>}

before_create outside of model

Rails allows to extend the class you're including a module in. Basic techniques are described in

This allows to "set up" a module, like

module Foo
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# Within this area "self" now refers to the class in which the module is included
# Every method you now call is called agains the class

# As such you can now write things like
validates_inclusion_of ...
define_method ...

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