How to Split a String in Ruby and Get All Items Except the First One

How to split a string in Ruby and get all items except the first one?

Try this:

first, *rest = ex.split(/, /)

Now first will be the first value, rest will be the rest of the array.

Split a string and remove the first element in string

The 'split' method works in this case


# => "4.0-M-672092"

Just be careful, in this application is fine, but in long texts this might become unoptimized, since it splits all the string and then joins the array all over again

If you need this in wider texts to be more optimized, you can find the "-" index (which is your split) and use the next position to make a substring

text = '4.0.0-4.0-M-672092'
text[(text.index('-') + 1)..-1]

# => "4.0-M-672092"

But you can't do it in one line, and not finding a split character will result in an error, so use a rescue statement if that is possible to happen

Split string by every first space in ruby

Maybe using scan would give you your expected output easier:

p str.scan(/[A-Z]+|\s{3}/)
# ["AB", "C", " ", "D", "E", " ", "F"]

As your input is only capitalized characters, [A-Z] would work, /[a-z]/i is for both cases.

Wondering why such an output:

p str.scan(/[A-Z]+|\s{3}/).map(&:split)
# [["AB"], ["C"], [], ["D"], ["E"], [], ["F"]]

Select all characters in a string until a specific character Ruby

You can avoid creating an unnecessary Array (like Array#split) or using a Regex (like Array#gsub) by using.

a = "2.452811139617034,42.10874821716908|3.132087902867818,42.028314077306646|-0.07934861041448178,41.647538468746916|-0.07948265046522918,41.64754863599606"


This means select characters at positions 0 up to the index of the first pipe (|). Technically speaking it is start at position 0 and select the length of n where n is the index of the pipe character which works in this case because ruby uses 0 based indexing.

As @CarySwoveland astutely pointed out the string may not contain a pipe in which case my solution would need to change to

#to return entire string
a[0,a.index('|') || a.size]
# or
b = a.index(?|) ? a[0,b] : a
# or to return empty string
# or to return nil
a[0,a.index(?|) || -1]

How to count length after split in ruby except some values inside the string?

Think in terms of receivers. You send split to a string and it returns an array. You then send length to that array:

#=> ["a", "3", "b", "c", "0"]

#=> 4

So in order to exclude '0', you could create an array that doesn't contain the unwanted elements and call length on that array: (e.g. via difference)

#=> ["a", "3", "b", "c"]

#=> 4

or you could call count and specify to only count elements that are not '0':

str.split(',').count { |x| x != "0" }
#=> 4

What is the best way to split a string to get all the substrings by Ruby?

def split_word s
(1..s.length - i).inject(ai){|aj,j|
aj << s[i,j]

And you can also consider using Set instead of Array for the result.

PS: Here's another idea, based on array product:

def split_word s
indices = (0...s.length).to_a
indices.product(indices).reject{|i,j| i > j}.map{|i,j| s[i..j]}.uniq

How to split string into only two parts with a given character in Ruby?

String#split takes a second argument, the limit.

str.split(' ', 2)

should do the trick.

Get string except first sentence

- i = article.content.index('.')

= article.content[0..i-1] # title
= article.content[i+1..-1] # content

Best way to split an array of strings in ruby?

You need map{...}, not map(...) for correct syntax in Ruby here:

array = ["string_apple", "string_banana", "string_orange"]

# Assign to a different array:
split_array ={ |s| s.split(/_/) }

# Or modify the original array in place:!{ |s| s.split(/_/) }

# [["string", "apple"], ["string", "banana"], ["string", "orange"]]

How to split the first and the last element on a Ruby string?

Is this what you want to do?

first, *_, last = "now is the time for all".split
first #=> "now"
last #=> "all"

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