How to Reset Boolean to "Default: False" at End of Day

How to reset boolean to default: false at end of day?

I would use a timestamp instead of a boolean. That has two benefits:

  1. You know when the user complated the last time
  2. You do not need to reset that value via a cron job at midnight.

The steps would be: First remove the completed boolean column from your database and add instead a completed_at timestamp column.

Second add two methods to your model that allow the same behaviour than the boolean column before. That means there is not need to change the controller or views:

def completed=(boolean)
self.completed_at = boolean ? Time.current : nil

def completed
completed_at && completed_at >= Time.current.beginning_of_day

How to change to BooleanField after True to False every month in Django?

I will suggest you use custom-management-commands.

Write your code in a python file and put it in cron to run every day at a certain time. In the program look for objects older than 30 days and update them for your use case.

Project structure:


It's your file:

from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from App_Name.models import Customer
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class Command(BaseCommand):

def handle(self, *args, **options):
self.stdout.write('Updated customers older than 30 days')

How to reset timestamp to nil at end of day?

You dont need to set the time to nil at the end of the day, you need to change your scope for incomplete so that it will consider all habits to be incomplete where completed_at is not its current date

if you want all habits, where completed_at is less than the current date. do this

 scope: incompleted, -> {where("completed_at is null OR completed_at < ?", Date.current)}

This way you dont need any rake task and your logic will be used to consider habits incomplete per day.

Setting entire bool[] to false

default(bool) is false, just create the array and each element will be false.

bool[] switches = new bool[20];

Default Boolean value in Java

All instance and class variables in Java are initialised with a default value:

For type boolean, the default value is false.

So your two statements are functionally equivalent in a single-threaded application.

Note however that boolean b = false; will lead to two write operations: b will first be assigned its default value false then it will be assigned its initial value (which happens to be false as well). This may have an importance in a multi-threaded context. See this example of how explicitly setting the default value can introduce a data race.

Relying on such default values, however, is generally considered bad programming style.

I would argue the opposite: explicitly setting default values is bad practice:

  • it introduces unnecessary clutter
  • it may introduce subtle concurrency issues

Unable to reset Boolean value - Javascript

In your $(document).keypress function try taking out the "var" before "gameOn = true". I think now it's as if you're declaring a new variable, when you really want to change the global gameOn var.

Always returning false as boolean value

Your private boolean checkCoverageGuest() method returns before public void onSuccess() is executed, this is the reason for checkCoverageGuest() always returning false.

If you need to execute something after you get the hasCoverageGuest good value then excute it inside onSucess()

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