How to Export Results When Running Selenium Ruby Webdriver Scripts to Output Files from Command Prompt Ruby Window

how to export results when running selenium ruby webdriver scripts to output files from command prompt ruby window

I run all my tests inside a unit framework. I use test-unit myself but you could also use rspec. This also gives you the ability to add assertions to your code and then have it be reported by the unit framework. If one test fails or errors you can move on to the next test.

a simplified version of my rakefile looks like this

require 'rake/testtask'

#this will run all tests in directory with no dependencies do |t|
t.libs << "test"
t.test_files = FileList['FAL*.rb']
t.verbose = true

#or you could run individual files like this

task :FAL001 do
ruby "FAL001.rb"

and every test case looks like this

require "test-unit"
gem "test-unit"
require "selenium-webdriver"

class FAL001 < Test::Unit::TestCase
def testFAL001 #methods that begin with test are automatically run
#selenium code goes here
assert_true(1 == 1)
def test002
#another test goes here

how to write selenium ruby webdriver test results from Ruby terminal to output files

I have not tried this out, but I guess this should work

task :default do
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{file}.log")
puts "The following tests reported unexpected behavior:"
puts "#{file} \n"

Based on new requirements -


task :default do"console.out", "w")
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{file}.log")
logfile.puts("The following tests reported unexpected behavior:")
logfile.puts("#{file} \n")

How to generate results after selenium test in Ruby?

Looks like someone has already taken on the same challenge before. See this article how to export results when running selenium ruby webdriver scripts to output files from command prompt ruby window.

You may have to write up a rake file, but I believe it will be a good experience that will make you better acquainted with ruby and how to go about selenium testing with it.

run all selenium ruby webdriver scripts at a time.

You can use the rake gem, for this you need to create a file named rakefile.rb, and paste the below content:

task :default do
FileList['file*.rb'].each { |file| ruby file }

Now call rake in your terminal, you should be good.

run some scripts in test suite with ruby rake on terminal window

Pass the test files you want to run as arguments of your rake task. How to pass arguments: How to pass command line arguments to a rake task

separate some selenum scripts by a space character to run them ruby rake

Rake will treat the second script as call to a task, so you need to group the arguments by enclosing them in quotes:

$ rake scripts='test1.rb test2.rb'

Then, you can call split without arguments in your Rake task:

task :default do
if ENV['scripts']
scripts = ENV['scripts'].split
p scripts

This will produce:

$ rake scripts='test1.rb test2.rb'
["test1.rb", "test2.rb"]

Another option is to fiddle with the command line arguments yourself, and then dynamically defining tasks with the name of the command line arguments, so rake won't complain about missing tasks. I've extracted this into a method called with_args here:

# expose command line arguments
def with_args &block
args = ARGV.dup
args.each{|arg| task(arg.to_sym) }

You can use it like this:

task :default => [:scripts]

task :scripts do
with_args do |files|
p files

And then invoke the rake task this way:

$ rake scripts test1.rb test2.rb
["test1.rb", "test2.rb"]

The initial idea came from this blog post.

run some scripts or all scripts in ruby rake

If I understand correctly, can you just use an if statement?

task :default do
if ENV[scripts]
scripts = ENV[scripts].split(',')
FileList[scripts].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{directory_name}/#{file}.out")}
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{directory_name}/#{file}.out")}

Print only numeric value from a string example (0 results returned) in Selenium

You can extract number using regex. For example,

String result="(0 results returned)";
String numericOnly= str.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");

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