How to Cleanly Verify If the User Input Is an Integer in Ruby

How to cleanly verify if the user input is an integer in Ruby?

This will do to validate the input:

Integer(gets) rescue nil

How do I check if user input is an integer in Ruby?

The main issue with your code is String#to_i method is omnivorous.

"0".to_i #⇒ 0
"0.1".to_i #⇒ 0
"foo".to_i #⇒ 0

That said, user_input in your code is always integer.

What you probably want is to accept digits only (and maybe a leading minus for negatives.) The only concise way to accept a subset of characters is a regular expression.

# chomp to strip out trailing carriage return
user_input = gets.chomp

if user_input =~ /\A-?\d+\z/

The regular expression above means nothing save for digits with optional leading minus.

Or, even better (credits to @Stefan)

if gets =~ /\A-?\d+\Z/

Checking if input == Integer/float? using irb

There's a much more Ruby way to express this, the idiomatic form if you will:

loop do
puts "What type of soaps do you want? (1 = face soap, 2 = bar soap, 3 = shave soap, 4 = shampoo soap) Please put a number from 1 - 4 "

case (soap = gets)
when '1'
puts "Great! You want face soap."
when '2'
puts "Great! You want bar soap"
when '3'
puts "Great! You want shave soap."
when '4'
puts "Great! You want shampoo soap."
puts "#{soap.inspect} is not a valid entry, please try again."

Where the case statement can do a ton of work for you. Here the string values are being tested instead of bothering to convert since that doesn't really matter.

Notice there's still a lot of duplication though. This is where a look-up table can be the key to simplifying things:

1 => 'face soap',
2 => 'bar soap',
3 => 'shave soap',
4 => 'shampoo soap'

loop do
puts "What type of soaps do you want? (#{ { |k, v| "#{k} - #{v}" }.join(', ')}) Please put a number from 1 - 4 "

soap = gets

if (soap_type = SOAPS[soap.to_i])
puts "Great! You want #{soap_type}."
puts "#{soap.inspect} is not a valid entry, please try again."

Where now you can easily add and remove entires and everything updates accordingly. This is a data-driven approach and it's what Ruby excels at because once you have something expressed in terms of data, you can build on that with a series of transformations to get the desired result.

Checking if a variable is an integer

You can use the is_a? method

>> 1.is_a? Integer
=> true
>> "".is_a? Integer
=> false
>> nil.is_a? Integer
=> false

How to test if a string is basically an integer in quotes using Ruby

You can use regular expressions. Here is the function with @janm's suggestions.

class String
def is_i?
!!(self =~ /\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/)

An edited version according to comment from @wich:

class String
def is_i?
/\A[-+]?\d+\z/ === self

In case you only need to check positive numbers

  if !/\A\d+\z/.match(string_to_check)
#Is not a positive number
#Is all good ..continue

Accept only numeric input

Try regular expressions, like this:

puts "Enter numeric value: "
result = gets

if result =~ /^-?[0-9]+$/
puts "Valid input"
puts "Invalid input."

The example above allows only digits [0..9].
If you want to read not only integers, you can allow a dot as well: ^-?[0-9]+$/. Read more about regexp in Ruby:

Test if the number input is not a text - RUBY

There's several things to note here. For one, the result of to_i is always an Integer type value. Testing that !a.is_a? Integer is redundant as that will never fail.

You'll also need to remember that the case statement itself makes it very easy to compare to classes:

case (a)
when Integer
puts "I'm a number!"
when String
puts "I'm a string!"

Note that the first condition is automatically triggered for any Integer values.

There's limits on what you can put in a when clause even if they are fairly generous. To get the parser to properly interpret what you're asking for, you'd have to express it like this:

when !a.is_a?(Integer)

Though as noted this can be reduced down to when Integer so the rest of that is redundant.

You'll also want to avoid specifying something in the case part, and then later referring to a variable. It's confusing to anyone reading your code and probably unnecessary. If you're dealing with complicated logic, use a series of if statements to make things clear.

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