How to Build Remote Webdriver for Chrome

How to build remote Webdriver for Chrome

Actually the error message is slightly wrong. You don't have to set the system property, but the chromedriver executable needs to be available in the PATH on the remote machine (where the server is running).

If you want to specify the path as a property, you can do that when you launch the server, e.g.:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar

Can't create Chrome RemoteWebDriver in Selenium Grid

The solution for this problem is passing chromedriver path like below

java -jar
selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar -role node -hub
http://localhost:4444/grid/register -browser browserName=chrome,maxInstances=3

instead of using parameter chrome_binary

RemoteWebDriver with Chrome

You are getting that for two possible reasons.

Reason 1

Your C:\Users\me\Downloads\chromedriver.exe does not exist. Make sure that THAT is the path.

Reason 2

The double quotes around the path might be exacerbating it. Take out the quotes to make it:\users\me\downloads\chromedriver.exe

Other than that, everything you have there is just fine. Make sure to address both of these reasons, and you should be golden.

Give remote Chrome webdriver a capability to run with extension

To make Chrome webdriver be able to run with an extension it should be non-headless.

This config should be removed:



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