Heroku: Running Imagemagick with Paperclip

Heroku: Running imagemagick with paperclip

Do you have the RMagick gem included in your app on Heroku? It's necessary for interfacing between your Ruby code and ImageMagick.

ImageMagick is part of the Heroku platform by default, but you have to specify that you need the RMagick gem for your app. I'm guessing you have this installed locally so it works there, but it's missing from your Gemfile or gems manifest (depending on Heroku stack version).

Paperclip w/ Imagemagick, Amazon S3 and Heroku - Imagemagick & S3 work, but the Paperclip fields don't get set in database. Works fine in dev

I think the problem is that you have specified attr_accessor for the paperclip attributes. That is not needed. I actually got the same problem as you when I added those lines to my model. So it should be enough to remove those lines.

Understanding Server Set-up for Using ImageMagick and PaperClip with Ruby on Rails

The simple answer (I couldn't bring myself to read your prose) is to realize that Rails runs on Ruby, which means it harnesses the gem system of the language

When you install gems, there are two things you have to consider. Firstly, most gems are "internal" to Ruby only; meaning they will provide functionality for API's or something programmatic; The second bunch of gems work with third party software - such as MYSQL or ImageMagick

When you use a gem which interfaces with other software, that software needs to be installed (so the gem can use it). This is where the problems start to occur for many people using ImageMagick



You must remember that Paperclip is not dependent on ImageMagick to run

From the Paperclip github repo:

Paperclip is intended as an easy file attachment library for Active
Record. The intent behind it was to keep setup as easy as possible and
to treat files as much like other attributes as possible. This means
they aren't saved to their final locations on disk, nor are they
deleted if set to nil, until ActiveRecord::Base#save is called. It
manages validations based on size and presence, if required. It can
transform its assigned image into thumbnails if needed, and the
prerequisites are as simple as installing ImageMagick (which, for most
modern Unix-based systems, is as easy as installing the right
packages). Attached files are saved to the filesystem and referenced
in the browser by an easily understandable specification, which has
sensible and useful defaults.

Paperclip can work exclusive to ImageMagick to manage the uploaded images. ImageMagick is an "optional extra", allowing you to crop / edit images on the fly. Like ffmpeg (the video equivalent to ImageMagick), you can run Paperclip on its own

If you want to crop images etc - you'll have to install the library files for ImageMagick on your system. This is simple on Linux, much trickier on Windows



We're very fortunate in that Heroku is designed to give RoR a stable environment to run with. That said, Heroku does this by providing as much functionality as possible - including the ability to install ImageMagick on the system

Heroku runs linux on Amazon's AWS infrastructure. This means it's relatively simple to use ImageMagick with it - you just need to add it to your gemfile & Heroku will handle the rest

ImageMagick/Paperclip - Paperclip fails during large job

It appears as though this problem was solved by limiting the number of concurrent workers used with sidekiq to just 1. This can be done by specifying -c 1 when booting up sidekiq.

paperclip imagemagick convert to grayscale and crop to fit 144x144#

I decided to go the other way, so I'll just use the cropped file that has the desired size and use imagemagick to convert that one to grayscale and save it into the right folder after the model is saved. The grayscale processor can be removed as I used a system command to work with imagemagick.

p.s. There might be some downsides of this answer, but for now I couldn't find any.


  has_attached_file :avatar,
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename",
:url => "/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename",
:styles => {:thumb => "144x144#", :grayscale => "144x144#"}

after_save :convert_grayscale

def convert_grayscale
system "convert public/system/avatars/#{self.id}/thumb/#{self.avatar.original_filename} -fx '(r+g+b)/3' public/system/avatars/#{self.id}/grayscale/#{self.avatar.original_filename}"


Sample Image

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