Find Out If an Ip Is Within a Range of Ips

Find out if an IP is within a range of IPs

>> require "ipaddr"
=> true
>> low ="").to_i
=> 1040187392
>> high ="").to_i
=> 1056964607
>> ip ="").to_i
=> 1050473485
>> (low..high)===ip
=> true

If you are given the network instead of the start and end addresses, it is even simpler

>> net ="")
=> #<IPAddr: IPv4:>
=> true

IPAddr will also work with IPv6 addresses

>> low ='1::')
=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>
>> high ='2::')
=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>
>> (low..high)'1::1')
=> true

How to check an IP address is within a range of two IPs in Python?

For changing the ip format so that we can compare

def convert_ipv4(ip):
return tuple(int(n) for n in ip.split('.'))

This function will return True or False if the ip is within range or not

def check_ipv4_in(addr, start, end):
return convert_ipv4(start) < convert_ipv4(addr) < convert_ipv4(end)

ip_range = ('', '')

print(check_ipv4_in('', *ip_range))

It will print 'true' in this case as the function returns True in this case

How to check an IP address is within a range of two IPs in PHP?

With ip2long() it's easy to convert your addresses to numbers. After this, you just have to check if the number is in range:

if ($ip <= $high_ip && $low_ip <= $ip) {
echo "in range";

Checking if IP address lies within a given range

You are comparing strings values (which compare lexicographically) and not the int values for every IP, make them into ints with comprehensions:

min_ip = [int(i) for i in mask.split(' - ')[0].split('.')]
max_ip = [int(i) for i in mask.split(' - ')[1].split('.')]
ip = [int(i) for i in IP.split('.')]

It's also best if you don't perform the split twice for every ip in mask; split before hand:

s = mask.split(' - ')
min_ip, max_ip = [[int(i) for i in j.split('.')] for j in s]

Your for loop could arguably be better if you used enumerate with ip:

for ind, val in enumerate(ip):
if val < min_ip[ind] or val > max_ip[ind]:
return False

Checking if IP is in a range in MYSQL

You need to use INET_ATON() to convert IPv4 address format to the unsigned integer equivalent.

Start by calculating the starting address and the ending address based on the CIDR notation.

mysql> SELECT INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(range, '/', 1)) AS start_address, 
POWER(2, 32-SUBSTRING_INDEX(range, '/', -1))-1 AS num_addresses
FROM ipranges;
| start_address | num_addresses |
| 16777216 | 255 |

That result is when I tested this query against ''.

Then you can check if the INET_ATON() of the IP address you're interested in falls in the range, because it's simply an integer range.

SELECT range,
INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(range, '/', 1)) AS start_address,
POWER(2, 32-SUBSTRING_INDEX(range, '/', -1))-1 AS num_addresses
FROM ipranges) AS t
WHERE INET_ATON('') BETWEEN start_address AND start_address+num_addresses;

I'm afraid with all these expressions, it's not possible for the SQL query to be optimized with indexes. If you need this to run with high performance against a large data set of IP ranges, you need to think of a way to store the data differently so you can index it.

But if you only have a small number of IP ranges, even an unindexable query may nevertheless be fast enough.

DB | Postgres | How to check if IP is in a list of IPs or a range

I think this does what you want:

select t.*
from t
where ''::inet <<= any(regexp_split_to_array(t.ips, '@##@')::inet[])

Here is a db<>fiddle.

How to check if a given ip falls between a given ip range using node js

This is quite easy if we convert the ips to simple numbers:

function IPtoNum(ip){
return Number(
.map(d => ("000"+d).substr(-3) )

Then we can check a certain range as:

 if( IPtoNum(min) < IPtoNum(val) &&    IPtoNum(max) > IPtoNum(val) ) alert("in range");

That can also be applied to a table:

const ranges = [
["..41", "192.168.45"],
["123.124.125"," 126.124.123"]

const ip = "125.12.125";
const inRange = ranges.some(
([min,max]) => IPtoNum(min) < IPtoNum(ip) && IPtoNum(max) > IPtoNum(ip)

Check if user's IP address is in a range of IP's

The idea is to split the IP and check every component separately.

mask = ""
IP = ""
def match(mask, IP):
splitted_IP = IP.split('.')
for index, current_range in enumerate(mask.split('.')):
if '-' in current_range:
mini, maxi = map(int,current_range.split('-'))
mini = maxi = int(current_range)
if not (mini <= int(splitted_IP[index]) <= maxi):
return False
return True

How to see if an IP address belongs inside of a range of IPs using CIDR notation?

Decided to answer my own question so people can benefit. If it can be improved, please do!

I used the IPNetwork library and it worked out fantastically!

nuget install IPNetwork2

Below is the code I used:

using System.Net;

public static class RedirectHelpers
public static bool IpIsWithinBoliviaRange(string ip)
IPAddress incomingIp = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
foreach (var subnet in Bolivia_Ip_Range)
IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse(subnet);

if (IPNetwork.Contains(network, incomingIp))
return true;
return false;

private static List<string> Bolivia_Ip_Range = new List<string>()

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