Error: Spawn Enoent: Missing The SASS Executable

Error: spawn ENOENT: missing the sass executable

Your gulp-ruby-sass task is probably configured to execute SASS using Bundler (a gem dependency manager). When you don't have Bundler installed, that execution will fail with the error message you've quoted. Check your task configuration for the parameter "bundleExec" and make sure it's set to false, that way gulp-ruby-sass will run the SASS command directly.

Getting errors while installing node-sass

Just change the node version to v14.x.x

Or you may try installing newer versions of node-gpy

Here, read this issue:

How do I debug Error: spawn ENOENT on node.js?

How to research the spawn call raising the error:

  • Use NODE_DEBUG=child_process, Credits to @karl-richter. Simple, quick, October 2019
  • Use a wrapper to decorate child_process.spawn, Credits to @jiaji-zhou. Simple, quick, January 2015
  • Long procedure, credits to @laconbass. Complex, time-cost, December 2014

Known, usual causes

  1. Environment issues

    • The command executable does not exist within the system (dependency not being installed). see prominc's answer
    • The command executable does not exist within a directory of those specified by PATH environment variable.
    • The executable binary was compiled with uncompatible libraries. see danilo-ramirez answer
  2. Windows-only bugs/quirks

    • '.cmd' extension / shell: true. see li-zheng answer
    • Administrator permisions. see steve's answer
  3. Wrong spawn('command', ['--argument', 'list'], { cwd, env, ...opts }) usage

    • Specified working directory (opts.cwd) does not exist · see leeroy-brun's answer
    • Argument list within command String spawn('command --wrong --argument list')
    • Env vars within command string spawn('ENV_VAR=WRONG command')
    • Argument list Array specified as String spawn('cmd', '--argument list')
    • Unset PATH env variable spawn('cmd', [], { env: { variable } } => spawn('cmd', [], { env: { ...process.env, variable } }

There are 2 posible origins for ENOENT:

  1. Code you are writing
  2. Code you depend on

When origin is code you depend on, usual cause is an Environment Issue (or windows quirk)

Node.js: Python not found exception due to node-sass and node-gyp

Node-sass tries to download the binary for you platform when installing. Node 5 is supported by 3.8
If your Jenkins can't download the prebuilt binary, then you need to follow the platform requirements on Node-gyp README (Python2, VS or MSBuild, ...)
If possible I'd suggest updating your Node to at least 6 since 5 isn't supported by Node anymore.
If you want to upgrade to 8, you'll need to update node-sass to 4.5.3

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