Error Loading Rubygems Plugin ,Openssl.Bundle (Loaderror)

Error loading RubyGems plugin ,openssl.bundle (LoadError)

Things to verify...

  • How did you install rvm
  • hit rvm notes and check if it's installed properly
  • ruby -v, check for the version of ruby present

If you find any issues here, uninstall rvm using rvm implode and also remove ruby. Refer to the rvm installation guide for the use of this command.

\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby

OR you can try the other way without removing the present rvm installation.

rvm get stable
rvm reinstall 2.0.0

Hope this helps.

Bundle Install Fails: Error loading Rubygems plugin after I deleted files

Thanks to Nick Veys for this answer:

I just had to run brew reinstall openssl to replace the missing library.

cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)

It could be that there was a previous Ruby env installed on your system prior to your installation of 2.0? This might have had an existing GEM_PATH that lead to the /1.8 directory which the installation of version 2.0 simply kept.

The problem you where likely having, then, was that Passenger/Apache was looking in the /2.0 directory when in fact the gems were in the /1.8 directory. Your explicitly telling apache to use the /1.8 directory thus makes sense to fix the problem.

SetEnv GEM_HOME /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

You might also try using the Ruby Version Manager to handle multiple Ruby envs.

Some things I found in Google:

  • New to Ruby and am having trouble with LOAD_PATH

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