Difference Between Truncation, Transaction and Deletion Database Strategies

Difference between truncation, transaction and deletion database strategies

The database cleaning strategies refer to database terminology. I.e. those terms come from the (SQL) database world, so people generally familiar with database terminology will know what they mean.

The examples below refer to SQL definitions. DatabaseCleaner however supports other non-SQL types of databases too, but generally the definitions will be the same or similar.


This means the database tables are cleaned using the SQL DELETE FROM statement. This is usually slower than truncation, but may have other advantages instead.


This means the database tables are cleaned using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. This will simply empty the table immediately, without deleting the table structure itself or deleting records individually.


This means using BEGIN TRANSACTION statements coupled with ROLLBACK to roll back a sequence of previous database operations. Think of it as an "undo button" for databases. I would think this is the most frequently used cleaning method, and probably the fastest since changes need not be directly committed to the DB.

Example discussion: Rspec, Cucumber: best speed database clean strategy

Reason for truncation strategy with Capybara

The best explanation was found in the Capybara docs themselves:

# Transactional fixtures do not work with Selenium tests, because Capybara
# uses a separate server thread, which the transactions would be hidden
# from. We hence use DatabaseCleaner to truncate our test database.

Cleaning requirements

You do not necessarily have to clean your database after each test case. However you need to be aware of side effects this could have. I.e. if you create, modify, or delete some records in one step, will the other steps be affected by this?

Normally RSpec runs with transactional fixtures turned on, so you will never notice this when running RSpec - it will simply keep the database automatically clean for you:


What's the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

Here's a list of differences. I've highlighted Oracle-specific features, and hopefully the community can add in other vendors' specific difference also. Differences that are common to most vendors can go directly below the headings, with differences highlighted below.

General Overview

If you want to quickly delete all of the rows from a table, and you're really sure that you want to do it, and you do not have foreign keys against the tables, then a TRUNCATE is probably going to be faster than a DELETE.

Various system-specific issues have to be considered, as detailed below.

Statement type

Delete is DML, Truncate is DDL (What is DDL and DML?)

Commit and Rollback

Variable by vendor


Truncate can be rolled back.


Truncate can be rolled back.


Because a TRUNCATE is DDL it involves two commits, one before and one after the statement execution. Truncate can therefore not be rolled back, and a failure in the truncate process will have issued a commit anyway.

However, see Flashback below.

Space reclamation

Delete does not recover space, Truncate recovers space


If you use the REUSE STORAGE clause then the data segments are not de-allocated, which can be marginally more efficient if the table is to be reloaded with data. The high water mark is reset.

Row scope

Delete can be used to remove all rows or only a subset of rows. Truncate removes all rows.


When a table is partitioned, the individual partitions can be truncated in isolation, thus a partial removal of all the table's data is possible.

Object types

Delete can be applied to tables and tables inside a cluster. Truncate applies only to tables or the entire cluster. (May be Oracle specific)

Data Object Identity


Delete does not affect the data object id, but truncate assigns a new data object id unless there has never been an insert against the table since its creation Even a single insert that is rolled back will cause a new data object id to be assigned upon truncation.

Flashback (Oracle)

Flashback works across deletes, but a truncate prevents flashback to states prior to the operation.

However, from 11gR2 the FLASHBACK ARCHIVE feature allows this, except in Express Edition

Use of FLASHBACK in Oracle




Delete can be granted on a table to another user or role, but truncate cannot be without using a DROP ANY TABLE grant.


Delete generates a small amount of redo and a large amount of undo. Truncate generates a negligible amount of each.



A truncate operation renders unusable indexes usable again. Delete does not.

Foreign Keys

A truncate cannot be applied when an enabled foreign key references the table. Treatment with delete depends on the configuration of the foreign keys.

Table Locking


Truncate requires an exclusive table lock, delete requires a shared table lock. Hence disabling table locks is a way of preventing truncate operations on a table.


DML triggers do not fire on a truncate.


DDL triggers are available.

Remote Execution


Truncate cannot be issued over a database link.

Identity Columns


Truncate resets the sequence for IDENTITY column types, delete does not.

Result set

In most implementations, a DELETE statement can return to the client the rows that were deleted.

e.g. in an Oracle PL/SQL subprogram you could:

DELETE FROM employees_temp
WHERE employee_id = 299
RETURNING first_name,
INTO emp_first_name,

Transaction vs Truncation Database Cleaner

Putting it in a very simple way: truncation removes all data from the database and transaction rollbacks all changes that has been made by the running scenario.

What's the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

Here's a list of differences. I've highlighted Oracle-specific features, and hopefully the community can add in other vendors' specific difference also. Differences that are common to most vendors can go directly below the headings, with differences highlighted below.

General Overview

If you want to quickly delete all of the rows from a table, and you're really sure that you want to do it, and you do not have foreign keys against the tables, then a TRUNCATE is probably going to be faster than a DELETE.

Various system-specific issues have to be considered, as detailed below.

Statement type

Delete is DML, Truncate is DDL (What is DDL and DML?)

Commit and Rollback

Variable by vendor


Truncate can be rolled back.


Truncate can be rolled back.


Because a TRUNCATE is DDL it involves two commits, one before and one after the statement execution. Truncate can therefore not be rolled back, and a failure in the truncate process will have issued a commit anyway.

However, see Flashback below.

Space reclamation

Delete does not recover space, Truncate recovers space


If you use the REUSE STORAGE clause then the data segments are not de-allocated, which can be marginally more efficient if the table is to be reloaded with data. The high water mark is reset.

Row scope

Delete can be used to remove all rows or only a subset of rows. Truncate removes all rows.


When a table is partitioned, the individual partitions can be truncated in isolation, thus a partial removal of all the table's data is possible.

Object types

Delete can be applied to tables and tables inside a cluster. Truncate applies only to tables or the entire cluster. (May be Oracle specific)

Data Object Identity


Delete does not affect the data object id, but truncate assigns a new data object id unless there has never been an insert against the table since its creation Even a single insert that is rolled back will cause a new data object id to be assigned upon truncation.

Flashback (Oracle)

Flashback works across deletes, but a truncate prevents flashback to states prior to the operation.

However, from 11gR2 the FLASHBACK ARCHIVE feature allows this, except in Express Edition

Use of FLASHBACK in Oracle




Delete can be granted on a table to another user or role, but truncate cannot be without using a DROP ANY TABLE grant.


Delete generates a small amount of redo and a large amount of undo. Truncate generates a negligible amount of each.



A truncate operation renders unusable indexes usable again. Delete does not.

Foreign Keys

A truncate cannot be applied when an enabled foreign key references the table. Treatment with delete depends on the configuration of the foreign keys.

Table Locking


Truncate requires an exclusive table lock, delete requires a shared table lock. Hence disabling table locks is a way of preventing truncate operations on a table.


DML triggers do not fire on a truncate.


DDL triggers are available.

Remote Execution


Truncate cannot be issued over a database link.

Identity Columns


Truncate resets the sequence for IDENTITY column types, delete does not.

Result set

In most implementations, a DELETE statement can return to the client the rows that were deleted.

e.g. in an Oracle PL/SQL subprogram you could:

DELETE FROM employees_temp
WHERE employee_id = 299
RETURNING first_name,
INTO emp_first_name,

Database Cleaner: Clean vs truncation

What is the difference between the following?

  • DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation)
  • DatabaseCleaner.clean

The difference is pretty straightforward: in the first case you're telling DatabaseCleaner to clean your db now with truncation strategy, and in the second case DatabaseCleaner will clean your db using currently configured strategy.

I think your setup is pretty good already. Since creating a ton of factories (as you said) in before(:all) hook is quite rare, you just need to add to that specific test after(:all) hook to put the db back to stable state.

Cleaning with transaction won't work, since before(:all) is not wrapped in transaction.
You're left with 2 options here:

  1. after(:all) { DatabaseCleaner.with(:truncation) }

  2. after(:all) { DatabaseCleaner.with(:deletion) }

In order to choose between these two, as documentation clearly states, you have to measure and choose what's fastest for you, or just pick some if it doesn't matter.

How to truncation all data in a schema different from the Public (database_cleaner)

I created own class to clear test database

class CleanTestDatabase

TABLE_TO_EXCLUDE = ['spatial_ref_sys', 'schema_migrations']
CONNECTION = ActiveRecord::Base.connection

def self.clean(*tenants)
tenants.each{ |tenant| delete_all_in_tenant(tenant) }

def self.drop_all_schemas
schemas = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values <<-SQL
schema_name NOT IN ('information_schema','public', 'postgis') AND
schema_name NOT LIKE 'pg%'
schemas.each { |schema| Apartment::Tenant.drop(schema) }


def self.delete_all_in_tenant(tenant)
CONNECTION.disable_referential_integrity do
tables_to_clean(tenant).each do |table|
delete_from(table) if table_has_new_rows?(table)

def self.tables_to_clean(tenant)
tables.map{ |table| "#{tenant}.#{table}" }

def self.table_has_new_rows?(table_name)
CONNECTION.select_value("SELECT count(*) FROM #{table_name}").to_i > 0

def self.delete_from(table_name)
CONNECTION.execute("DELETE FROM #{table_name}")


  config.before(:each) do
CleanTestDatabase.clean('public', 'app')

Is the database trucation strategy will force every thread to use the same database?

There is only one database independent of what database cleaner strategy you are using and RSpec and Capybara always run in the same thread.

The SO question you are referring to is discussing the fact that the Selenium server is run in a separate thread, which (normally) implies a separate database connection which implies a separate transaction from the transaction used by Capybara/RSpec.

Postgresql Truncation speed

This has come up a few times recently, both on SO and on the PostgreSQL mailing lists.

The TL;DR for your last two points:

(a) The bigger shared_buffers may be why TRUNCATE is slower on the CI server. Different fsync configuration or the use of rotational media instead of SSDs could also be at fault.

(b) TRUNCATE has a fixed cost, but not necessarily slower than DELETE, plus it does more work. See the detailed explanation that follows.

UPDATE: A significant discussion on pgsql-performance arose from this post. See this thread.

UPDATE 2: Improvements have been added to 9.2beta3 that should help with this, see this post.

Detailed explanation of TRUNCATE vs DELETE FROM:

While not an expert on the topic, my understanding is that TRUNCATE has a nearly fixed cost per table, while DELETE is at least O(n) for n rows; worse if there are any foreign keys referencing the table being deleted.

I always assumed that the fixed cost of a TRUNCATE was lower than the cost of a DELETE on a near-empty table, but this isn't true at all.

TRUNCATE table; does more than DELETE FROM table;

The state of the database after a TRUNCATE table is much the same as if you'd instead run:

  • DELETE FROM table;
  • VACCUUM (FULL, ANALYZE) table; (9.0+ only, see footnote)

... though of course TRUNCATE doesn't actually achieve its effects with a DELETE and a VACUUM.

The point is that DELETE and TRUNCATE do different things, so you're not just comparing two commands with identical outcomes.

A DELETE FROM table; allows dead rows and bloat to remain, allows the indexes to carry dead entries, doesn't update the table statistics used by the query planner, etc.

A TRUNCATE gives you a completely new table and indexes as if they were just CREATEed. It's like you deleted all the records, reindexed the table and did a VACUUM FULL.

If you don't care if there's crud left in the table because you're about to go and fill it up again, you may be better off using DELETE FROM table;.

Because you aren't running VACUUM you will find that dead rows and index entries accumulate as bloat that must be scanned then ignored; this slows all your queries down. If your tests don't actually create and delete all that much data you may not notice or care, and you can always do a VACUUM or two part-way through your test run if you do. Better, let aggressive autovacuum settings ensure that autovacuum does it for you in the background.

You can still TRUNCATE all your tables after the whole test suite runs to make sure no effects build up across many runs. On 9.0 and newer, VACUUM (FULL, ANALYZE); globally on the table is at least as good if not better, and it's a whole lot easier.

IIRC Pg has a few optimisations that mean it might notice when your transaction is the only one that can see the table and immediately mark the blocks as free anyway. In testing, when I've wanted to create bloat I've had to have more than one concurrent connection to do it. I wouldn't rely on this, though.

DELETE FROM table; is very cheap for small tables with no f/k refs

To DELETE all records from a table with no foreign key references to it, all Pg has to do a sequential table scan and set the xmax of the tuples encountered. This is a very cheap operation - basically a linear read and a semi-linear write. AFAIK it doesn't have to touch the indexes; they continue to point to the dead tuples until they're cleaned up by a later VACUUM that also marks blocks in the table containing only dead tuples as free.

DELETE only gets expensive if there are lots of records, if there are lots of foreign key references that must be checked, or if you count the subsequent VACUUM (FULL, ANALYZE) table; needed to match TRUNCATE's effects within the cost of your DELETE .

In my tests here, a DELETE FROM table; was typically 4x faster than TRUNCATE at 0.5ms vs 2ms. That's a test DB on an SSD, running with fsync=off because I don't care if I lose all this data. Of course, DELETE FROM table; isn't doing all the same work, and if I follow up with a VACUUM (FULL, ANALYZE) table; it's a much more expensive 21ms, so the DELETE is only a win if I don't actually need the table pristine.

TRUNCATE table; does a lot more fixed-cost work and housekeeping than DELETE

By contrast, a TRUNCATE has to do a lot of work. It must allocate new files for the table, its TOAST table if any, and every index the table has. Headers must be written into those files and the system catalogs may need updating too (not sure on that point, haven't checked). It then has to replace the old files with the new ones or remove the old ones, and has to ensure the file system has caught up with the changes with a synchronization operation - fsync() or similar - that usually flushes all buffers to the disk. I'm not sure whether the the sync is skipped if you're running with the (data-eating) option fsync=off .

I learned recently that TRUNCATE must also flush all PostgreSQL's buffers related to the old table. This can take a non-trivial amount of time with huge shared_buffers. I suspect this is why it's slower on your CI server.

The balance

Anyway, you can see that a TRUNCATE of a table that has an associated TOAST table (most do) and several indexes could take a few moments. Not long, but longer than a DELETE from a near-empty table.

Consequently, you might be better off doing a DELETE FROM table;.


Note: on DBs before 9.0, CLUSTER table_id_seq ON table; ANALYZE table; or VACUUM FULL ANALYZE table; REINDEX table; would be a closer equivalent to TRUNCATE. The VACUUM FULL impl changed to a much better one in 9.0.

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