Can't Reindex Sunspot Solr - Error - Rsolr::Error::Http - 500 Internal Server Error

Can't reindex with sunspot / solr in rails app - Error: Severe errors in solr configuration

I was having a very similar problem and solved it by

  • stopping all running solr processes
  • removing the solr folder
  • turn off/restart the computer
  • gem uninstall all related gems
  • bundle install
  • start solr
  • reindex solr

Ruby on rails Sunspot Solr weird error

I followed this upvoted answer Can't reindex Sunspot SOLR - Error - RSolr::Error::Http - 500 Internal Server Error

instead of deleting the whole folder i just deleted the solr.xml file

All other commands are the same :)

RSolr::Error::Http: RSolr::Error::Http - 500 Internal Server Error


Removed solr map from project and restarted the sunspot:solr.

Sunspot Solr Reindexing failing due to illegal characters

Usually this is caused by bad data in your database. If you're using MySQL you can find any instances of control character 12 with a query like this:


Then you can remove the character from the content of any matched rows & proceed to reindex.

You could also do something like this to remove the control characters:

UPDATE table SET col=REPLACE(col, CHAR(12), '') WHERE col REGEXP CHAR(12);

Rails 4: RSolr::Error::Http (RSolr::Error::Http - 404 Not Found

Solved it! Followed steps in Answer suggested here with little alteration:

  1. stopping all running solr processes
  2. removing the solr folder BUT keep a copy of it accessible in case you need some of the old config, synonyms and such.
  3. gem uninstall all related gems
  4. bundle install
  5. rails generate sunspot_rails:install
  6. start solr
  7. reindex solr: Now as I'm using mongoid, rake sunspot:reindex doesn't seem to work, but going from console and doing Sunspot.index!(Model.all) is doing it for me.

RSolr::Error::Http - 404 Not Found

I am new to solr and had the same issue getting it working in development. When I ran everything as sudo, it started up with no problems:

$ sudo bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start
$ sudo bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex

I could then view the solr server at http://localhost:8982/solr

So it looks like a permissions issue to avoid having to run it as root.

rake sunspot:reindex rake aborted! RSolr::Error::Http - 404 Not Found

upgrading to tomcat6 fixed the issue
after i Set sunspot.yml path to /solr/collection1
and copying the scheme.xml from sunspot to the /opt/solr/collection1/conf/scheme.xml

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