Bundle Install Doesn't Work from Capistrano

bundle install doesn't work from capistrano

Just ran into the same issue. What worked for me was this:

1) Installing the capistrano-rvm gem and adding

require 'capistrano/rvm'

to the Capfile.

2) Adding my deployment user to the rvm group on the server:

# usermod deploy -a -G rvm

3) Creating two directories in my deployment user's home folder: .rvm and .rvm/bin

4) Adding this line to my deploy.rb file:

set :default_env, { rvm_bin_path: '~/.rvm/bin' }

Phew! That took a few hours.

Capistrano doesn't install

Just try gem install bundler on the server once to install bundler into the rvm gemset, as its not in the list of your gem list.

In general try to ensure that the bundle command runs when you log into your server via ssh. Capistrano doesn't do magic, it just logs in via ssh and issues commands. You can always see what commands capistrano issues, like in your example cd /var/www/apps/oxygen/releases/20150803172155 && /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm 2.2.2 do bundle install --path /var/www/apps/oxygen/shared/bundle --without development test --deployment --quiet and try them yourself when something fails.

Bundler Error when attempting Capistrano Deployment

I was able to get past this blocker. The ultimate issue is that I had to log into the correct shell and run gem install bundler:1.16.1.

In order to log into the bash I used this command:
/bin/bash --login

Then run gem install:
gem install bundler:1.16.1

Capistrano and Bundler problem - bundle: not found

I found the solution here:


In you config/deploy.rb add the following snippet

    set :default_environment, {
'PATH' => "/opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/:$PATH"

Then I had to add gemfile.lock and gemfile to the repository and the BAM!

bundle install in Capistrano not installing assets gems in Rails

--without is remembered option, check in your project dir / on server the file .bundle/config it's possible it already contains something like this:


Capistrano with Bundler, rbenv fails to install pg gem


This problem was related to Chef deploying rbenv and installing bundler along with executing the proper installation for ruby-build. The problem was solved by configuring a VM by hand and launching the deploy process at it.

bundler/capistrano is not installing gems with correct ruby version

This post helped me to understand the two possiblities to manage gem :

  • To put gems within the app folder
  • To put gems in separate gemsets

Rails 3 -- Bundler/Capistrano Errors


For RVM >= 1.11.3, you should now just use the rvm-capistrano gem. For older RVM >= 1.0.1, the answer below still applies.


Okay, though I still haven't gotten a full cap deploy to work, I did fix this problem. The problem was Capistrano trying to use a different path for Bundler (and other gems) than the RVM paths.

Check your Capistrano path by doing cap shell, then echo $PATH. You'll probably see your standard /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin, but that's not where RVM has Bundler, et al., stored.

Edit your Capistrano config/deploy.rb file, and add the following lines, per these instructions:

# Add RVM's lib directory to the load path.
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path']))

# Load RVM's capistrano plugin.
require "rvm/capistrano"

set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.2'
set :rvm_type, :user # Don't use system-wide RVM

That finally got Capistrano to see Bundler and start loading gems appropriately.

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