Cleanest Way to Create a Hash from an Array

Cleanest way to create a Hash from an Array

There is already a method in ActiveSupport that does this.

['an array', 'of active record', 'objects'].index_by(&:id)

And just for the record, here's the implementation:

def index_by
inject({}) do |accum, elem|
accum[yield(elem)] = elem

Which could have been refactored into (if you're desperate for one-liners):

def index_by
inject({}) {|hash, elem| hash.merge!(yield(elem) => elem) }

Create a hash out of an array where the values are the indices of the elements

I'm adding my two cents:

array = [1,3,4,5,6,6,6,8,8,8,9,7,7,7]

hash = {} {|val, idx| [val, idx]}.group_by(&:first).map do |k, v|
hash[k] = v[0][1] if v.size == 1
hash[k] = if v.size > 1

p hash #=> {1=>0, 3=>1, 4=>2, 5=>3, 6=>[4, 5, 6], 8=>[7, 8, 9], 9=>10, 7=>[11, 12, 13]}

It fails with duplicated element not adjacent, of course.

This is the expanded version, step by step, to show how it works.

The basic idea is to build a temporary array with pairs of value and index, then work on it.

array = [1,3,4,5,6,6,6]

tmp_array = []
array.each_with_index do |val, idx|
tmp_array << [val, idx]
p tmp_array #=> [[1, 0], [3, 1], [4, 2], [5, 3], [6, 4], [6, 5], [6, 6]]

tmp_hash = tmp_array.group_by { |e| e[0] }
p tmp_hash #=> {1=>[[1, 0]], 3=>[[3, 1]], 4=>[[4, 2]], 5=>[[5, 3]], 6=>[[6, 4], [6, 5], [6, 6]]}

hash = {} do |k, v|
hash[k] = v[0][0] if v.size == 1
hash[k] = {|e| e[1]} if v.size > 1

p hash #=> {1=>1, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>[4, 5, 6]}

It can be written as one line as:

hash = {} { |k, v| v.size == 1 ? hash[k] = v[0][1] : hash[k] = }
p hash

Creating a hash from an array of strings and arrays

You can use Hash[...], here is an example:

=> array = ["temp-1", [69.63076923076923, 5.397898451463096], "temp-2", [70.44, 
0.9044335243676014], "hum-1", [45.199999999999996,
0.09999999999999788], "hum-2", [43.82, 1.0568822072492268]]
=> Hash[*array]
#> {"temp-1"=>[69.63076923076923, 5.397898451463096], "temp-2"=>[70.44, 0.9044335243676014], "hum-1"=>[45.199999999999996, 0.09999999999999788], "hum-2"=>[43.82, 1.0568822072492268]}

What is the best way to convert an array to a hash in Ruby

NOTE: For a concise and efficient solution, please see Marc-André Lafortune's answer below.

This answer was originally offered as an alternative to approaches using flatten, which were the most highly upvoted at the time of writing. I should have clarified that I didn't intend to present this example as a best practice or an efficient approach. Original answer follows.

Warning! Solutions using flatten will not preserve Array keys or values!

Building on @John Topley's popular answer, let's try:

a3 = [ ['apple', 1], ['banana', 2], [['orange','seedless'], 3] ]
h3 = Hash[*a3.flatten]

This throws an error:

ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash
from (irb):10:in `[]'
from (irb):10

The constructor was expecting an Array of even length (e.g. ['k1','v1,'k2','v2']). What's worse is that a different Array which flattened to an even length would just silently give us a Hash with incorrect values.

If you want to use Array keys or values, you can use map:

h3 = Hash[ {|key, value| [key, value]}]
puts "h3: #{h3.inspect}"

This preserves the Array key:

h3: {["orange", "seedless"]=>3, "apple"=>1, "banana"=>2}

Hashing the arrangement of an array

An equivalent hash goes something like this for [ 40, 20, 10, 30 ]

  1. 40 is greater than 3 of the subsequent values
  2. 20 is greater than 1 of the subsequent values
  3. 10 is greater than 0 of the subsequent values
  4. 30 has nothing after it, so ignore it.

That is a pair nested loop of time Order(N^2). (Actually about 4*4/2, where there are 4 items.) Just a few lines of code.

Pack 3,1,0, either the way you did it or with anatolyg's slightly tighter:

3 * 3! +
1 * 2! +
0 * 1!

which equal 20. It needs to be stored in the number of bits needed for 4!, namely 5 bits.

I'm pretty sure this is optimal for space. I have not thought of a faster way to compute it other than O(N^2).

How big is your N? For N=100, you need about 520 bits and 5K operations. 5K operations might take several microseconds (for C++), and probably less than a millisecond (even for an interpreted language).

Create Hash iterating an array of objects

Use Hash[]:

Forecast =, :data)
forecasts = ['bob', 1),'mary', 2)]
Hash[{|forecast| [,]}]
# => {"mary"=>2, "bob"=>1}

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