Break and Return in Ruby, How to Use Them

break and return in ruby, how do you use them?

Return exits from the entire function.

Break exits from the innermost loop.

Thus, in a function like so:

def testing(target, method)
(0..100).each do |x|
(0..100).each do |y|
puts x*y
if x*y == target
break if method == "break"
return if method == "return"

To see the difference, try:

testing(50, "break")
testing(50, "return")

Best way to break and return a value

Why do you rescue inside the pay_order method? I'd rescue on the outer loop.
Given the following:

def method_a
10.times do |loop_a|

def method_b
5.times do |loop_b|

def pay_order

I'd rescue inside method_a, for example:

def method_a
10.times do |loop_a|
rescue Stripe::CardError => e
# do whatever. no need to break

All the loops are "broken" automatically by the raising of the exception.

If you want to do something with the exception inside the pay_order method, then I would suggest to rescue and raise again:

def pay_order
rescue Stripe::CardError => e
# do your stuff
raise e

How can I return something early from a block?

next inside a block returns from the block. break inside a block returns from the function that yielded to the block. For each this means that break exits the loop and next jumps to the next iteration of the loop (thus the names). You can return values with next value and break value.

How to break out from a ruby block?

Use the keyword next. If you do not want to continue to the next item, use break.

When next is used within a block, it causes the block to exit immediately, returning control to the iterator method, which may then begin a new iteration by invoking the block again:

f.each do |line|              # Iterate over the lines in file f
next if line[0,1] == "#" # If this line is a comment, go to the next
puts eval(line)

When used in a block, break transfers control out of the block, out of the iterator that invoked the block, and to the first expression following the invocation of the iterator:

f.each do |line|             # Iterate over the lines in file f
break if line == "quit\n" # If this break statement is executed...
puts eval(line)
puts "Good bye" # ...then control is transferred here

And finally, the usage of return in a block:

return always causes the enclosing method to return, regardless of how deeply nested within blocks it is (except in the case of lambdas):

def find(array, target)
array.each_with_index do |element,index|
return index if (element == target) # return from find
nil # If we didn't find the element, return nil

In Ruby, what is the return value in a loop?

the return of a loop (loop, while, until, etc) can be anything you send to break

def get_action
loop do
action = gets.chomp
break action if Guide::Config.actions.include?(action)


def get_action
while action = gets.chomp
break action if Guide::Config.actions.include?(action)

or you can use begin .. while

def get_action
action = gets.chomp
end while Guide::Config.actions.include?(action)

or even shorter

def get_action
action = gets.chomp while Guide::Config.actions.include?(action)

PS: loops themselves return nil as a result (implicit break which is break nil) unless you use explicit break "something". If you want to assign result of the loop you should use break for this: x = loop do break 1; end

Are `return` and `break` useless inside a Ruby block when used as a callback?

Actually it's kind of interesting...

When you use before_create in Rails 3, we take the block or lambda that you give us and convert it into a method. We then invoke the method with the current ActiveRecord object, for backwards compatibility with the old Rails approach.

As a result, the following is equivalent to your snippet:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :login, :email

before_create do = login.capitalize if name.blank?

Because of this behavior, you can call return from the block, and it will behave the same as a return in a normal method (because it is a normal method).

In general, continue in a block "returns" from the block.

The specific behavior of normal blocks is:

  • When you call continue, you are skipping the rest of the block, and returning control to the method that invoked the block.
  • When you call break, you are skipping the rest of the block, and also immediately returning from the method that invoked the block.

You can see that behavior in normal iterators:

value = [1,2,3,4].each do |i|
continue if i == 2
puts i

In this case, value will be [1,2,3,4], the normal return value of the each method, and the output will be:


In the case of break:

value = [1,2,3,4].each do |i|
break if i == 2
puts i

In this case, the value will be nil, since the break also immediately returned from the each method. You can force a return with a specific value by using break n, which will make value the same as n. The output in the above case will be:


The important thing is that continue and break do not just apply to iterators, although their semantics are designed to behave like their equivalents in C in the case of iterators.

What does break do in this ruby statement

break argument in a block causes the block to return argument. By default, tap returns the same object as it is given, but the break will instead cause it to return whatever o.send(version) if version evaluates to.

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