Activemodel::Validations on Anonymous Class

ActiveModel::Validations on anonymous class

ActiveModel tries to get the model name (as you see here) when setting up the error messages. The quickest way to get around it (short of giving your anonymous class a name), is to give your class a class method model_name that returns an instance of ActiveModel::Name.

for example

require 'active_model'

book_class = do
include ActiveModel::Validations
def self.model_name, nil, "temp")
validates_presence_of :title

def title; ""; end # This will fail validation
end # => no error

Validation not working on Class that extends ActiveModel::Naming, include ActiveModel::Validations

In your controller you are setting @contact_model to a hash, params[:contact_model], and then calling valid? on it. You need create an instance of ContactModel and call valid on that. Like so:

@contact_model =[:contact_model])

if (@contact_model.valid?)

I see commented out code that calls, but that's not how you want to do it anyway. Also, there is no reason to dup() or initialize_copy() on the params stuff.

Active Model Validations rails 3

ActiveModel validations do not provide client side validation. If you'd like to use your Rails validators on the client side, I'd suggest the client_side_validations gem.

If you're having trouble getting started, I'd suggest performing a single, simple validation in your model and verifying that it works before trying to move it client-side. For example, in your Message class:

# app/models/message.rb
class Message
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :sender
validates :sender, presence: true

# in the console
m =

m.valid? #=> false
m.errors.full_messages #=> ["Sender can't be blank"]

Then start working with other types of validates, like length or format, then custom validations with the validate method, and then if you finally feel like you need it, a full validation class using validates_with.

How to test a custom validator?

Here's a quick spec I knocked up for that file and it works well. I think the stubbing could probably be cleaned up, but hopefully this will be enough to get you started.

require 'spec_helper'

describe 'EmailValidator' do

before(:each) do
@validator ={:attributes => {}})
@mock = mock('model')

it 'should validate valid address' do
@validator.validate_each(@mock, 'email', '')

it 'should validate invalid address' do
@validator.validate_each(@mock, 'email', 'notvalid')

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