"/#Action" Route in Routes.Rb in Ruby on Rails

/#action Route in Routes.rb in Ruby on Rails

The actual URL you are visiting there is http://lala.com/. The server does not see the #album/some-album-id piece, the fragment identifier. That is seen solely by the browser.

There is a growing trend of building MVC apps with the views and controllers in the client/browser, rather than on the server. The application is implemented with JavaScript in the client, instead of with Ruby on the server. The server essentially becomes the API or the data-access layer, rather than being the piece that renders HTML.

Add new action to route

in your config/routes.rb file do this

resources :users do
collection do
get 'another_new'
post 'another_create'

Also have a look HERE for clear understanding of concepts.

Hope this helps you dude :)

How does routes of Ruby On Rails know which controller to hit when we hit an url

It's a way to redirect incoming requests to controllers and actions. It replaces the mod_rewrite rules. Best of all, Rails' Routing works with any web server. Routes are defined in app/config/routes.rb.

Think of creating routes as drawing a map for your requests. The map tells them where to go based on some predefined pattern.

The routes.rb file defines the actions available in the applications and the type of action such as get, post, and patch.

get 'photos/:id' => 'photos#show', :defaults => { :format => 'jpg' }

the normalise value of above route is.

app: #<ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher:0x007fd05e0cf7e8
@defaults={:format=>"jpg", :controller=>"photos", :action=>"show"},
conditions: {:path_info=>"/photos/:id(.:format)", :required_defaults=>[:controller, :action], :request_method=>["GET"]}
requirements: {}
defaults: {:format=>"jpg", :controller=>"photos", :action=>"show"}
as: nil
anchor: true

How to add a custom route, controller, and action in Ruby on Rails?


get 'heartbeat' => "custom_controller#heartbeat"


class CustomController < ApplicationController
def heartbeat
render inline: "Some string to the client/user"

Rails add route for additional method action

You still need to declare the routes in your config\routes.rb file.

Also, if you want to use more idiomatic ruby (which you do), you should be using underscored method names, not camelCase. e.g. device_connect_edit NOT deviceConnectEdit. You'll run into headaches down the road if you don't conform to the convention (unless you have a very good reason for departing from it). In that light I'll post the routes in idiomatic Ruby and hope you update your method names :-)

resources :users do
member do
get 'device_connect_edit'
post 'device_connect_update'

Also, you might want to strongly consider your design to have a separate device resource instead of tacking it on in the UsersController...

Routing for sessions#destroy action

It is best to treat the routes to your sessions controller as a singular resource


resource :sessions

Doc: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#singular-resources

This will give you a route that you can use without ID's

DELETE /sessions sessions#destroy

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