Ruby: Automatically Wrapping Methods in Event Triggers

Ruby: automatically wrapping methods in event triggers

There are a several ways to do it with the help of metaprogramming magic. For example, you can define a method like this:

def override_public_methods(c)
c.instance_methods(false).each do |m|
m = m.to_sym
c.class_eval %Q{
alias #{m}_original #{m}
def #{m}(*args, &block)
puts "Foo"
result = #{m}_original(*args, &block)
puts "Bar"

class CustomBaseObject
def test(a, &block)
puts "Test: #{a}"


foo =
foo.test(2) { puts 'Block!' }
# => Foo
Test: 2

In this case, you figure out all the required methods defined in the class by using instance_methods and then override them.

Another way is to use so-called 'hook' methods:

module Overrideable
def self.included(c)
c.instance_methods(false).each do |m|
m = m.to_sym
c.class_eval %Q{
alias #{m}_original #{m}
def #{m}(*args, &block)
puts "Foo"
result = #{m}_original(*args, &block)
puts "Bar"

class CustomBaseObject
def test(a, &block)
puts "Test: #{a}"

include Overrideable

The included hook, defined in this module, is called when you include that module. This requires that you include the module at the end of the class definition, because included should know about all the already defined methods. I think it's rather ugly :)

link_to method and click event in Rails

You can use link_to_function (removed in Rails 4.1):

link_to_function 'My link with obtrusive JavaScript', 'alert("Oh no!")'

Or, if you absolutely need to use link_to:

link_to 'Another link with obtrusive JavaScript', '#',
:onclick => 'alert("Please no!")'

However, putting JavaScript right into your generated HTML is obtrusive, and is bad practice.

Instead, your Rails code should simply be something like this:

link_to 'Link with unobtrusive JavaScript',
:id => 'my-link'

And assuming you're using the Prototype JS framework, JS like this in your application.js:

$('my-link').observe('click', function (event) {
event.stop(); // Prevent link from following through to its given href

Or if you're using jQuery:

$('#my-link').click(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent link from following its href

By using this third technique, you guarantee that the link will follow through to some other page—not just fail silently—if JavaScript is unavailable for the user. Remember, JS could be unavailable because the user has a poor internet connection (e.g., mobile device, public wifi), the user or user's sysadmin disabled it, or an unexpected JS error occurred (i.e., developer error).

save an active records array


This will call B#save on each item in the array.

Difference between after_create, after_save and after_commit in rails callbacks

You almost got it right. However there is one major difference between after_commit and after_create or after_save i.e.

In the case of after_create, this will always be before the call to save (or create) returns.

Rails wraps every save inside a transaction and the before/after create callbacks run inside that transaction (a consequence of this is that if an exception is raised in an after_create the save will be rolled back). With after_commit, your code doesn't run until after the outermost transaction was committed. This could be the transaction rails created or one created by you (for example if you wanted to make several changes inside a single transaction). Originally posted here

That also means, that if after_commit raises an exception, then the transaction won't be rolled back.

From M-Dahab's comment:
after_commit would run after create, update and destroy. But, you can use on: option to specify which you are interested in. after_commit :some_method, on: :create or even after_commit :some_method, on: [:create, :destroy] or use a block like after_commit(on: :update) do run_method() end.

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