Why I Get This Error Writing Data to a File

Why I get this error writing data to a file

I know @dickoa answered the question in the comments, but in order to provide at least one answer here, I wanted to go through a few simple gotchas with R on Windows.

  1. When you are using Windows, you still have to use forward slashes for paths. In R, backslashes are reserved for escaping values. So a path in R looks like:
  2. In newer variants of Windows, the C:\ is protected from writes by user accounts. If you want to write to the C:\, you must be an administrator. You can accomplish this by right-clicking on the R icon in Windows and choosing "Run as an administrator." This should also be done when you're installing packages. You may not have rights to install packages on certain Windows versions if you don't run it as an administrator.
  3. If you don't want to run R as an administrator, and you want to write to files, you will by default have rights to the C:/Users/username/ directory.

All credit to @dickoa again for his answer in first.

Best of luck!

Error Writing Data To Text File

ForAppending isn't declared, and since you've apparently late bound your Scripting.FileSystemObject, it's getting initialized to a local Variant with it's default value.

You can prevent this in the future by putting Option Explicit at the top of all of your modules.

Either add the reference the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (there is absolutely no reason not to), or use the integer value of the IOMode. In this case, ForAppending, which is 8:

Set Fileout = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Test.txt", 8, True)

Error in reading and writing in a txt file in python

This Error happens because you named your function write with the same name as a method (os.write()), which you imported with from os import *.

I suggest to rename your function like this:

import os

def reading(data):
with open(data , 'r') as op:
name = op.read()
return name

def writing(data, myInput):
with open(data , 'w') as op:

error in writing data into file in python



to flush the write to disk. Or, if you are done using f, you could use


to flush and close the file.

Error while writing a file

When you open a file in python, you must specify its "file mode" - read-only, write-only, read AND write, and if the file is binary. So, in this line:


You opened your file as READ-ONLY, and set the file to be read as BINARY.
You should have opened the file as:


As write and as STRING

Nevertheless, you are manually writting a CSV file - you do not have to do that in Pyhton! Look at this example:

import requests
import pandas # Always import in different lines
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

r = requests.get("https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/a/")
c = r.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(c, "html.parser")
full_record_heading = soup.findAll("tr")
full_record = soup.findAll("tr")

# Initialize your data buffer
my_data = []

# For each observation in your data source
for record in full_record:
# We extract a row of data
observation = record.findAll("td")
# Format the row as a dictionary - a "python hashmap"
dict_observation = {
"From": observation[0],
"To": observation[1],
"Pos": observation[2],
"Ht": observation[3],
"Wt": observation[4],
"Birth Date": observation[5],
"College": observation[6]
# Add the row to our DataFrame buffer
# Now our DataFrame buffer contains all our data.
# We can format it as a Pandas DataFrame
dataframe = pandas.DataFrame().from_dict(my_data)

# Pandas DataFrames can be turned into CSVs seamlessly. Like:
dataframe.to_csv("Basketball.csv", index=False)

# Or even MS Excel:

Use python data structures as often as you can!

Cannot export data to a file in R (write.csv)

First part is to check the working directory and ensure that you have write access to that directory. You can check this with getwd(). I can reproduce your error by trying to write to a directory which is read only.

To set the working directory to something else with read access you can type setwd("H:/foo").
Once you have write access the write.csv(x,file='whatever.csv') should work.

Python return error while writing data into file(Python 2.7)

encode data while writing-
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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