Adding New Column with Conditional Values Using Ifelse

Apply if else condition to make new column in r

We can use case_when like this:


dat <- tibble(P.col = seq(0, 20000, 1000))

mutate(dat, P.bin = case_when(P.col >= 4000 ~ ">4000",
P.col <= 3000 & P.col >= 2000 ~ "2000-3000",
P.col <= 3000 & P.col >= 2000 ~ "2000-3000",
P.col <= 2000 & P.col >=1000 ~ "1000-2000",
P.col < 1000 ~ "1000"))
#> # A tibble: 21 x 2
#> P.col P.bin
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 0 1000
#> 2 1000 1000-2000
#> 3 2000 2000-3000
#> 4 3000 2000-3000
#> 5 4000 >4000
#> 6 5000 >4000
#> 7 6000 >4000
#> 8 7000 >4000
#> 9 8000 >4000
#> 10 9000 >4000
#> # … with 11 more rows

Created on 2021-06-11 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Using If else to check multiple columns and create a new column based on the response for string responses

This is not the more efficient answer, neither the more general solution, but may satisfy a solution:

#create columns
st <- rep(NA,nrow(hairdf));
cur <- rep(NA,nrow(hairdf));
wav <- rep(NA,nrow(hairdf));
mix <- rep(NA,nrow(hairdf));

#join and define words
hairdf <- cbind(hairdf,st,cur,wav,mix);
words <- c("straight","curly","wavy","mixed");
words_ast <- paste(words,"*",sep=""); #just get the "*" words

#make a loop according to positions of columns st,cur,wav,mix
for (j in 1:length(words_ast)){ #let's see if we can evaluate 2 in words_ast
for (i in c(2,3,4)){ #but only in columns we selected
a <- subset(hairdf,hairdf[,i]==words_ast[j]) #subset columns which satisfay condition. [Note that this can be written as hairdf %>% subset(.[,i]==words_ast[j]) ]
hairdf[row.names(a),7+j] <- 2 #replace value from column 8
#repeat process for "words"

for (j in 1:length(words)){
for (i in c(2,3,4)){
a <- subset(hairdf,hairdf[,i]==words[j])
hairdf[row.names(a),7+j] <- 1

This should allow you to get the expected result. Alternatively, you can use the assign() function, i.e


where x is each element in words.

So in a loop:

assign(words[n],value=1) ; assign(words_ast[n],value=2)

add new column to dataframe with if, else statement

I'm not sure about your data, but in your if-else if-else statement, conditions like counties$Series_Complete >= 75 are now comparing whole vector with single value, and if using print, it may not give you proper result. Instead, try using dplyr::case_when

counties %>%
mutate(class = case_when(
Series_Complete >=75 ~ 4,
Series_Complete >= 50 ~ 3,
Series_Complete >= 25 ~ 2,
TRUE ~ 1

Create new column in dataframe using if {} else {} in R

The if statement is not suitable for this. You need to use ifelse:

activityTimeAvgs$stepsImp <- ifelse($steps), activityTimeAvgs$avgsteps, activityTimeAvgs$steps)

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