Speeding Up Julia's Poorly Written R Examples

Speeding up Julia's poorly written R examples

Hmm, in the Mandelbrot example the matrix M has its dimensions transposed

M = matrix(0.0,nrow=length(im), ncol=length(re))

because it's filled by incrementing count in the inner loop (successive values of im). My implementation creates a vector of complex numbers in mandelperf.1 and operates on all elements, using an index and subsetting to keep track of which elements of the vector have not yet satisfied the condition Mod(z) <= 2

mandel.1 = function(z, maxiter=80L) {
c <- z
result <- integer(length(z))
i <- seq_along(z)
n <- 0L
while (n < maxiter && length(z)) {
j <- Mod(z) <= 2
if (!all(j)) {
result[i[!j]] <- n
i <- i[j]
z <- z[j]
c <- c[j]
z <- z^2 + c
n <- n + 1L
result[i] <- maxiter

mandelperf.1 = function() {
re = seq(-2,0.5,.1)
im = seq(-1,1,.1)
mandel.1(complex(real=rep(re, each=length(im)),

for a 13-fold speed-up (the results are equal but not identical because the original returns numeric rather than integer values).

> library(rbenchmark)
> benchmark(mandelperf(), mandelperf.1(),
+ columns=c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
+ order="relative")
test elapsed relative
2 mandelperf.1() 0.412 1.00000
1 mandelperf() 5.705 13.84709

> all.equal(sum(mandelperf()), sum(mandelperf.1()))
[1] TRUE

The quicksort example doesn't actually sort

> set.seed(123L); qsort(sample(5))
[1] 2 4 1 3 5

but my main speed-up was to vectorize the partition around the pivot

qsort_kernel.1 = function(a) {
if (length(a) < 2L)
pivot <- a[floor(length(a) / 2)]
c(qsort_kernel.1(a[a < pivot]), a[a == pivot], qsort_kernel.1(a[a > pivot]))

qsort.1 = function(a) {

sortperf.1 = function(n) {
v = runif(n)

for a 7-fold speedup (in comparison to the uncorrected original)

> benchmark(sortperf(5000), sortperf.1(5000),
+ columns=c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
+ order="relative")
test elapsed relative
2 sortperf.1(5000) 6.60 1.000000
1 sortperf(5000) 47.73 7.231818

Since in the original comparison Julia is about 30 times faster than R for mandel, and 500 times faster for quicksort, the implementations above are still not really competitive.

Speeding up a function

data.table is optimized for many rows, not for many columns. Since you have many columns, you could try melting the data.table:

DFm <- melt(DF[, cols, with = FALSE][, !"uniqueID"], id = "panelID") 
#coerces all numers to double (common type),
#you could separate the data.table by integer/double to avoid this

DFm[, value := c(NA, diff(value)), by = .(panelID, variable)]

dcast(DFm, panelID + rowidv(DFm, cols = c("panelID", "variable")) ~ variable, value.var = "value")

Speeding up Zygote.jl AD

Given your main function, you might be executing this in a script. In Julia,you are far better off starting a session (in the REPL, VSCode, Jupyter notebook, or other environment) and running multiple workloads from the same session. As Antonello suggests in a comment, your first call will be dominated by compile time, but the later calls (with the same argument types) simply use the compiled code and can be a completely different experience from the first one.

Some workflow tips can be found in https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/workflow-tips/.

What's Julia's equivalent of R's seq(..., length.out = n)

As of Julia 1.0:

linspace has been deprecated. You can still use range:

julia> range(0, stop = 5, length = 3)

As @TasosPapastylianou noted, if you want this to be a vector of values, you can use collect:

julia> collect( range(0, stop = 5, length = 3) )
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

Speeding up identification of subsequences

Computation time is strongly linked to:

  • Number of events per sequence. The algorithm was designed for a small number of event per sequence (<6 typically) and many sequences. You can try removing some events that are not your main interest or analysing group of events. I guess that the relationship between number of events and computation time is at least exponential. With more than 10 events per sequences, it can be really slow.
  • Minimum support. With low minimum support the possible number of subsequence get really big. Try to set it to an higher value.

Hope this helps.

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