Simple R 3D Interpolation/Surface Plot

simple R 3d interpolation / surface plot

Use the akima package. It has an interp function that's pretty straightforward.


x <- rnorm(20)
y <- rnorm(20)
z <- rnorm(20)

s <- interp(x,y,z)

Once you have the interpolated matrix you can do a variety of things.

One example is the image.plot function in the fields package.


3D Surface Interpolation

You could use the deldir package to get a Delaunay triangulation of your points, then convert it to the form of data required by triangles3d for plotting. I don't know how effective this would be on a really large dataset, but it seems to work on 100 points:

# Create some fake data
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- x^2 + y^2

# Triangulate it in x and y
del <- deldir(x, y, z = z)
triangs <-, triang.list(del))

# Plot the resulting surface
plot3d(x, y, z, type = "n")
triangles3d(triangs[, c("x", "y", "z")], col = "gray")

Sample Image

EDITED to add:

The version of rgl on R-forge now has a function to make this easy. You can now produce a plot similar to the one above using

plot3d(deldir(x, y, z = z))

There is also a function to construct mesh3d objects from the deldir() output.

R Script - 3D Surface via Interpolation of several X,Y,Z points

It works for me. I think all you need to do is transform the final list into a matrix.

s1 <- interp2xyz(s)
# [1] 90000 3

A lot of points generate a NA values for z value

# [1] 4897

You might choose to exclude those points or use extrapolation.

How to create a 3 D surface plot

I'm assuming your y & z columns are inverted, but you can do something like this - basically you need x & y for the axes and a z-grid for the intersect values:


Sample Image

How to interpolate data between sparse points to make a contour plot in R & plotly

First of all you must consider that with +-30 points is not enough to get those clean separated layers that you can see in the example. Said that, lets get into work:

First you can oversee your data in order to guess how is going to be the shape of those layers. Here you can easily see that lower z values have higher CO2 values.


plot_ly(df, x=~x,y=~y, z=~z, color =~calCO2)

Sample Image

An important thing is that you have to define the layers you are going to have. These layers must be made from interpolation of values all over a surface. So:

  • Define the data you are using for each layer.
  • Interpolate values for z and for calCO2. This is important because these are two different things. z interpolation will make the sape of the graphic and calCO2 will make the color (concentration or whatever). In your image from ( color and z are representing the same while here, I guess that you want to represent the surface of z and colored it with the calCO2. Thats why you will need to interpolate values for both. Interpolation methods is a world, here I just did a simple interpolation and I've filled NA by mean values.

Here is the code:

## Define your layers in z range (by hand or use quantiles, percentiles, etc.)
df1 <- subset(df, z >= 0 & z <= 125) #layer between 0 and 150m
df2 <- subset(df, z > 125) #layer between 150 and max

#interpolate values for each layer and for z and co2
z1 <- interp(df1$x, df1$y, df1$z, extrap = TRUE, duplicate = "mean") #interp z layer 1 with spline interp
ifelse(anyNA(z1$z) == TRUE, z1$z[$z)] <- mean(z1$z, na.rm = TRUE), NA) #fill na cells with mean value

z2 <- interp(df2$x, df2$y, df2$z, extrap = TRUE, duplicate = "mean") #interp z layer 2 with spline interp
ifelse(anyNA(z2$z) == TRUE, z2$z[$z)] <- mean(z2$z, na.rm = TRUE), NA) #fill na cells with mean value

c1 <- interp(df1$x, df1$y, df1$calCO2, extrap = F, linear = F, duplicate = "mean") #interp co2 layer 1 with spline interp
ifelse(anyNA(c1$z) == TRUE, c1$z[$z)] <- mean(c1$z, na.rm = TRUE), NA) #fill na cells with mean value

c2 <- interp(df2$x, df2$y, df2$calCO2, extrap = F, linear = F, duplicate = "mean") #interp co2 layer 2 with spline interp
ifelse(anyNA(c2$z) == TRUE, c2$z[$z)] <- mean(c2$z, na.rm = TRUE), NA) #fill na cells with mean value

p <- plot_ly(showscale = TRUE) %>%
add_surface(x = z1$x, y = z1$y, z = z1$z, cmin = min(c1$z), cmax = max(c2$z), surfacecolor = c1$z) %>%
add_surface(x = z2$x, y = z2$y, z = z2$z, cmin = min(c1$z), cmax = max(c2$z), surfacecolor = c2$z) %>%
add_trace(data = df, x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~z, mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d",
marker = list(size = 3.5, color = "red", symbol = 10))%>%
layout(title="Stack Exchange Plot")

Sample Image

fixing interpolation over volatility surface graph in R programming

The akima package is exactly what you need, but I think you need to decrease the number of interpolated points in your y-axis, the delta variable. The way you have it set right now uses the default 40-point grid.

# No interpolation on x-axis, but uses the default 40 point grid on the y-axis
xyz <- with(puts, interp(x=maturity, y=delta*100, z=IV*100,
xo=sort(unique(maturity)), extrap=FALSE ))
# By setting to use less points, it will "stretch" the surface over those points.
xyz <- with(puts, interp(x=maturity, y=delta*100, z=IV*100,
yo=seq(min(delta*100), max(delta*100), length = 15), extrap=FALSE ))

Surface smoothed by y-axis

You can play with the length variable in the seq function to get differing levels of smoothness.

I still don't completely understand what you want, but maybe you want to smooth by maturity? Here is what that would look like:

# This smooths just by x.
xyz <- with(puts, interp(x=maturity, y=delta*100, z=IV*100,
xo=seq(min(maturity), max(maturity), length = 5),
, extrap=FALSE ))

with(xyz, persp3d(x,y,z, col=heat.colors(length(z))[rank(z)], xlab='maturity',
ylab='delta', zlab='IV', main='IV Surface'))

Sample Image

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