R: Replacing Nas in a Data.Frame with Values in the Same Position in Another Dataframe

Replace NAs in dataframe with values from second dataframe based on multiple criteria

You can create a unique key to update df2.

unique_key1 <- paste(df1$A, df1$B)
unique_key2 <- paste(df2$A, df2$B)
inds <- is.na(df2$C)
df2$C[inds] <- df1$C[match(unique_key2[inds], unique_key1)]

# A B C E
#1 20210901 15:00 74 A 74
#2 20210903 17:00 27 C 27
#3 20210904 18:00 60 D 60
#4 20210906 20:00 7 F 7
#5 20210907 21:00 96 G 96
#6 20210908 22:00 98 H 98
#7 20210909 23:00 38 I 38
#8 20210910 00:00 89 J 89
#9 20210912 02:00 69 L 69
#10 20210913 03:00 72 M 72
#11 20210914 04:00 76 N 76
#12 20210915 05:00 63 O 63
#13 20210916 06:00 13 P 13
#14 20210918 08:00 25 R 25
#15 20210919 09:00 92 S 92
#16 20210920 10:00 21 T 21
#17 20210921 11:00 79 U 79
#18 20210922 12:00 41 V 41
#19 20210924 14:00 97 X 97
#20 20210925 15:00 16 Y 16


cbind creates a matrix, use data.frame to create dataframes.

df1 <- data.frame(A, B, C, D)
df2 <- data.frame(A, B, C, E)

R: replacing NAs in a data.frame with values in the same position in another dataframe

You can do:

dfa <- data.frame(a=c(1,NA,3,4,5,NA),b=c(1,5,NA,NA,8,9),c=c(7,NA,NA,NA,2,NA))
dfrepair <- data.frame(a=c(2:7),b=c(6:1),c=c(8:3))
dfa[is.na(dfa)] <- dfrepair[is.na(dfa)]

a b c
1 1 1 7
2 3 5 7
3 3 4 6
4 4 3 5
5 5 8 2
6 7 9 3

Replacing NAs in a dataframe based on a partial string match (in another dataframe) in R

You can create create a regex pattern from the State_Name and use str_extract to extract it from Article. Use match to get the corresponding Abbreviation name from df1.


df2$State <- df1$Abbreviation[match(str_extract(df2$Article,
str_c(df1$State_Name, collapse = '|')), df1$State_Name)]
#[1] "TX" "CA" "NY" "MD" NA "VA"

You can also use inbuilt state.name and state.abb instead of df1 to get state name and abbreviations.

Here's a way to do this in for loop -

for(i in seq(nrow(df1))) {
inds <- grep(df1$State_Name[i], df2$Article)
if(length(inds)) df2$State[inds] <- df1$Abbreviation[i]

# Index State Article
#1 1 TX Texas governor, Abbott, signs new abortion bill
#2 2 CA Effort to recall California governor Newsome loses steam
#3 3 NY New York governor, Cuomo, accused of manipulating Covid-19 nursing home data
#4 4 MD Hogan (Maryland, R) announces plans to lift statewide Covid restrictions
#5 5 <NA> DC statehood unlikely as Manchin opposes
#6 6 VA Amazon HQ2 causing housing prices to soar in northern Virginia

How to replace NAs of a variable with values from another dataframe

Here's a quick solution using data.tables binary join this will join only gender with sex and leave all the rest of the columns untouched

setkey(setDT(df1), ID)
df1[df2, gender := i.sex][]
# ID gender
# 1: 1 2
# 2: 2 2
# 3: 3 1
# 4: 4 2
# 5: 5 2
# 6: 6 2
# 7: 7 2
# 8: 8 2
# 9: 9 2
# 10: 10 2
# 11: 11 2
# 12: 12 2
# 13: 13 1
# 14: 14 1
# 15: 15 2
# 16: 16 2
# 17: 17 2
# 18: 18 2
# 19: 19 2
# 20: 20 2
# 21: 21 1
# 22: 22 2
# 23: 23 2
# 24: 24 2
# 25: 25 2
# 26: 26 2
# 27: 27 2
# 28: 28 2
# 29: 29 2
# 30: 30 2

Creating a function to replace NAs from one data frame with values from another

Functions behave a little differently. It is not a good practice to change dataframes within the function, return the changed dataframe from the function and pass the column name as string.

impute <- function(x) {
df_raw[[x]] <- ifelse(is.na(df_raw[[x]]), miceoutput[[x]][inds],df_raw[[x]])

df_raw <- impute("PIDS_14")

How to replace all values in data frame with another data frame except NA?

Here's a way -

df1_B[is.na(df1_B)] <- df_A[is.na(df1_B)]

n s b
1 2 aa TRUE
2 4 bb FALSE
3 5 bb TRUE

Replace NA values with value from another column in same dataframe

I would try with standard subsetting:

#subset the NAs of new price with the ones from price
df$NewPrice[is.na(df$NewPrice)] <- df$Price[is.na(df$NewPrice)]


# Item From Price Discount NewPrice
#1 A Delhi 100 0.1 110
#2 A Mumbai 200 0.1 120
#3 A Pune 150 NA 150
#4 A Nagpur 200 0.1 200

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