Shiny Rcharts Multiple Chart Output

Shiny rcharts multiple chart output

Change ui to:

ui = bootstrapPage(mainPanel( 
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart2", "Highcharts"), class = "span4"),
div(showOutput("chart3", "Highcharts"), class = "span4")
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart4", "Highcharts"), class = "span4")

Add bootstrapPage to tell shiny to use the bootstrap library. Look at to get an idea of "scaffolding". mainPanel has a width option which defaults to 8.
This is span8 in bootstrap.
The above code is not ideal but hopefully its a start.

EDIT: For full screen

ui = bootstrapPage(mainPanel(width = 12,  
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart2", "Highcharts"), class = "span6"),
div(showOutput("chart3", "Highcharts"), class = "span6")
div(class = "row",
div(showOutput("chart4", "Highcharts"), class = "span6")

note that mainPanel(..., width = width) is just a convenience function for div with a span of width.

A screenshot of the result:

Sample Image

Shiny not outputing when using showOutput and multiple charts

I think you are using some dated functions. Both leaflet and d3heatmap have their own rendering/output functions based on htmltools. Change your UI to

bootstrapPage(mainPanel(width = 12, 
div(class = "row",
div(d3heatmapOutput("heatmap"), class = "span6"),
div(leafletOutput("geomap"), class = "span6")

I would also take the data processing outside of the the reactives since it doesn't change, either putting it in your server or in the global.R that gets read at startup.

With these minor mods, your server could be


cases <- read.csv("casos_2015.csv") %>%
select(-Total) %>%

## I would add the labels here as well unless those are subject to change
data <- read.csv("cantones.csv")

function(input, output, session) {

output$heatmap <- renderD3heatmap({

d3heatmap(cases, scale = "row",
dendrogram = "none",
color = scales::col_quantile("Reds", NULL, 10),
xaxis_font_size = "10px",
show_grid = 0.2)

output$geomap <- renderLeaflet({
casos_popup <- paste0("<strong>Canton: </strong>", data$canton,
"<br><strong>Cases: </strong>", data$casos,
"<br><strong>Rate: </strong>", signif(data$tasa, 3))

m <- leaflet(data) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
popup = casos_popup,
radius = ~sqrt(casos) * 300,
weight = 1,
color = "red")

dynamically add rCharts to web page using shiny

Here is how you can modify the dynamic plots example for use with hPlot. I have just replaced plotOutput with chartOutput and renderPlot with renderChart2. The rest of the changes are self-explanatory.

library(shiny); library(rCharts)
Markets = unique(someDF$Market)
server = function(input, output) {

# Insert the right number of plot output objects into the web page
output$plots <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- lapply(1:2, function(i) {
plotname <- paste("plot", i, sep="")
chartOutput(plotname, "highcharts")

# Convert the list to a tagList - this is necessary for the list of items
# to display properly., plot_output_list)

# Call renderPlot for each one. Plots are only actually generated when they
# are visible on the web page.
for (i in 1:length(Markets)) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_i <- i
plotname <- paste("plot", my_i, sep="")

output[[plotname]] <- renderChart2({
plotData = subset(someDF, Market == Markets[my_i])
hPlot(Total ~ Variable.Type, data = plotData, type='pie')

ui = pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Dynamic number of plots"),


# This is the dynamic UI for the plots

runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))

Controlling Layout of Multiple Dimple Charts in Shiny

This can be accomplished by rCharts, but since rcdimple was released and benefits from the infrastructure of htmlwidgets, I would strongly recommend using it going forward. Let me know if you would prefer to see the rCharts answer.

library(curl) #devtools::install_github("jeroenooms/curl")
library(plyr) # for round_any

df <- read.csv(curl(""))
df$year <- df$ExpYear
df$sex <- df$Sex
df$agegrp <- df$AgeGroup

getData <- function(startyr,endyear) {
df <- subset(df,(year >= startyr & year <= endyear))

# DimpleJS pyramid

dPyramid <- function(startyear, endyear, colors=NULL) {
#endyear = endyear + 3 to test storyboard
dat <- getData(startyear, endyear)
dat$n <- ifelse(dat$sex == 'MAL', -1 * dat$n, 1 * dat$n)
dat$gencode <- ifelse(dat$sex == 'MAL', 1, 2)

d1 <- dimple(
x = "n",
y = "agegrp",
groups = "sex",
data = dat,
type = 'bar')

d1 <- yAxis(d1, type = "addCategoryAxis", orderRule = "ord")
d1 <- xAxis(d1,type = "addMeasureAxis")
d1 <- add_legend( d1,x = 60, y = 10, width = 700, height = 20, horizontalAlign = "right" )

if (!is.null(colors)){
d1 <- colorAxis(
type = "addColorAxis",
colorSeries = "gencode",
palette = colors

if (endyear - startyear >= 1) {
d1 <- tack(d1, options = list( storyboard = "year" ) )
max_x <- round_any(max(dat$n), 1000, f = ceiling)
min_x <- round_any(min(dat$n), 1000, f = floor)
d1 <- xAxis(d1, overrideMax = max_x, overrideMin = min_x)



# Define UI for application that draws a outcome pyramid
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

# Application title
titlePanel("Outcome Pyramid"),

selectInput(inputId = "startyr",
label = "Select Start Year",

# Show a plot of the generated pyramid
,column(width = 6,dimpleOutput("distPlot",height="100%"))
,column(width = 6,dimpleOutput("distPlot2",height="100%"))
,column(width = 6,dimpleOutput("distPlot3",height="100%"))
,column(width = 6,dimpleOutput("distPlot4",height="100%"))

# Define server logic required to draw a population pyramid
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {

output$distPlot <- renderDimple({
startyear <- as.numeric(input$startyr)
# Both arguments currently for the same thing, startyear, but eventually will want to
# process a range of years
dPyramid(startyear, startyear)
output$distPlot2 <- renderDimple({
startyear <- as.numeric(input$startyr)
# Both arguments currently for the same thing, startyear, but eventually will want to
# process a range of years
dPyramid(startyear, startyear)
output$distPlot3 <- renderDimple({
startyear <- as.numeric(input$startyr)
# Both arguments currently for the same thing, startyear, but eventually will want to
# process a range of years
dPyramid(startyear, startyear)
output$distPlot4 <- renderDimple({
startyear <- as.numeric(input$startyr)
# Both arguments currently for the same thing, startyear, but eventually will want to
# process a range of years
dPyramid(startyear, startyear)


RCharts + Shiny dynamically change chart data

Try adding session to your server args, and then you should be able to use

observeEvent(input $Submit, { <- input$StockA <- input$StockB <- subset(stocks_data, Company.Names %in% input$stockA |
Company.Names %in% input$stockB)

plot1 <- nPlot(Close~Date,,


Freehanding this from my phone but I'll circle back later if it doesn't work

How Do I put Multiple Charts on the Same Graph rCharts High Charts

I don't know anything about the rCharts side of it.

But to do this in Highcharts, you can specify multiple y axes, specifying a top an height property, and multiple x axes, using the offset property.

Then you assign an xAxis and a yAxis for each data set.

xAxis: [{ 
offset : -120

yAxis: [{
title : { text: 'Y Axis 0' },
height : 100
title : { text: 'Y Axis 1' },
offset : 0,
top : 200,
height : 100



Shiny dashboard multiple charts - overlapping

Your almost there, inside your fluid row you can use columns like this:


ui <-dashboardPage(
column(6,box(plotOutput("plt1"),width=12,title="Graph",background ="green") ),
column(6,box(plotOutput("plt2"),width=12,title="Graph2",background="yellow") )
fluidRow( actionButton("plot","plot") )

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$plt1 <- renderPlot({plot(runif(100),runif(100))})
output$plt2 <- renderPlot({plot(runif(100),runif(100))})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The maximum width of a fluidRow is 12 so setting each column to have width 6 gives 2 equal width plots.

rcharts dimple bubble chart in shiny

Hi you have to put width="100%" in dplot(), like this :

d1 <- dPlot(
x = c( "Channel", "PriceTier"),
y = "Owner",
z = "Distribution",
groups = "PriceTier",
data = data,
type = "bubble",
aggregate = "dimple.aggregateMethod.max",

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