Reshaping Data Frame in R

Reshaping data frame in R

reshape always seems tricky to me too, but it always seems to work with a little trial and error. Here's what I ended up finding:

> x
unique_id seq response treatment
1 a N1 123.23 dN1 T1
2 a N2 231.12 dN2 T1
3 a N3 231.23 dN3 T1
4 b N1 343.23 dN1 T2
5 b N2 281.13 dN2 T2
6 b N3 901.23 dN3 T2

> x2 <- melt(x, c("seq", "", "treatment"), "response")
> x2
seq treatment variable value
1 N1 dN1 T1 response 123.23
2 N2 dN2 T1 response 231.12
3 N3 dN3 T1 response 231.23
4 N1 dN1 T2 response 343.23
5 N2 dN2 T2 response 281.13
6 N3 dN3 T2 response 901.23

> cast(x2, seq + ~ treatment)
seq T1 T2
1 N1 dN1 123.23 343.23
2 N2 dN2 231.12 281.13
3 N3 dN3 231.23 901.23

Your original data was already in long format, but not in the long format that melt/cast uses. So I re-melted it. The second argument (id.vars) is list of things not to melt. The third argument (measure.vars) is the list of things that vary.

Then, the cast uses a formula. Left of the tilde are the things that stay as they are, and right of the tilde are the columns that are used to condition the value column.

More or less...!

reshape dataframe from wide to long in R

Using data.table:

result <- melt(mydata, id=c('id', 'name'),
measure.vars = patterns(fixed='fixed_', current='current_'), = 'year')
years <- as.numeric(gsub('.+_(\\d+)', '\\1', grep('fixed', names(mydata), value = TRUE)))
result[, year:=years[year]]
result[, id:=seq(.N), by=.(name)]
## id name year fixed current
## 1: 1 A 2020 2300 3000
## 2: 2 A 2019 2100 3100
## 3: 3 A 2018 2600 3200
## 4: 4 A 2017 2600 3300
## 5: 5 A 2016 1900 3400

This should be very fast but your data-set is not very big tbh.

Note that this assumes the fixed and current columns are in the same order and associated with the same year(s). So if there is a fixed_2020 as the first fixed_* column, there is also a current_2020 as the first current_* column, and so on. Otherwise, the year column will correctly associate with fixed but not current

Reshaping data to wide format in R

Create a row number column for each id and reshape the data to wide format.


df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(col = row_number()) %>%
ungroup %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = col, values_from = x:stop)

# A tibble: 10 x 41
# id x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7 x_8 x_9 x_10
# <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 1 A B C D E F G H I J
# 2 2 A B C D E F G H I J
# 3 3 A B C D E F G H I J
# 4 4 A B C D E F G H I J
# 5 5 A B C D E F G H I J
# 6 6 A B C D E F G H I J
# 7 7 A B C D E F G H I J
# 8 8 A B C D E F G H I J
# 9 9 A B C D E F G H I J
#10 10 A B C D E F G H I J
# … with 30 more variables: y_1 <chr>, y_2 <chr>, y_3 <chr>,
# y_4 <chr>, y_5 <chr>, y_6 <chr>, y_7 <chr>, y_8 <chr>, y_9 <chr>,
# y_10 <chr>, start_1 <date>, start_2 <date>, start_3 <date>,
# start_4 <date>, start_5 <date>, start_6 <date>, start_7 <date>,
# start_8 <date>, start_9 <date>, start_10 <date>, stop_1 <date>,
# stop_2 <date>, stop_3 <date>, stop_4 <date>, stop_5 <date>,
# stop_6 <date>, stop_7 <date>, stop_8 <date>, stop_9 <date>,
# stop_10 <date>

Reshaping segmented dataframe in R

R is for wusses. Let's just write C.

reblock <- function (data, x, y) {
cols <- as.list(data) # ncol items, each length nrow
reblocked <-, 0, x))
rn <- names(data)[seq_len(x)]
names(reblocked) <- rn

while (nrow(data) >= y) {
rows <- data[seq_len(y), ]
while (ncol(rows) >= x) {
names(rows)[seq_len(x)] <- rn
reblocked <- rbind(reblocked, rows[seq_len(x)])
rows <- rows[-seq_len(x)]
# remove x,y block
data <- data[-seq_len(y), ]


tmp <- data.frame(
a = rep(1:4, each = 6),
b = rep(letters[1:4], each = 6),
c = rep(5:8, each = 6),
d = rep(letters[5:8], each = 6)
reblock(tmp, 2 ,6)

Reshaping data.frame from wide to long format

reshape() takes a while to get used to, just as melt/cast. Here is a solution with reshape, assuming your data frame is called d:

direction = "long",
varying = list(names(d)[3:7]),
v.names = "Value",
idvar = c("Code", "Country"),
timevar = "Year",
times = 1950:1954)

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