R Not Finding Package Even After Package Installation

R not finding package even after package installation

Do .libPaths(), close every R runing, check in the first directory, remove the zoo package restart R and install zoo again. Of course you need to have sufficient rights.

Updated R, copied library, still can't find packages, and can't seem to install all dependencies

The tidyverse package hardly contains anything: its main purpose is to get a bunch of other packages loaded. Removing it and updating it won't help update the other packages. You could do what @phago29 suggested in their comment, but an easier way is just to update everything. Run this command in an R session:

update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)

A few notes:

  • If you have admin capabilities, run as admin, and it will update your main library. If you don't, it'll install new copies in your user account.

  • Even though you're saying ask = FALSE, it may ask some questions about whether you can build packages from source. Answer "Yes" if your system is set up to do that, "No" if not. If you're not sure, try "Yes", and if you get install failures, run it again and say "No".)

  • This is likely to run for a while, so go away and have a coffee or something.

Error: there is no package called ... and trying to use install.packages to solve it

Error in library(readr) : there is no package called 'readr'

This means that you don't have the package readr installed on your computer.

You then installed it with

install.packages('readr', dependencies = TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')

which is good. Most packages are not "stand-alone", they use other packages too, called dependencies. Because you used the default dependencies = TRUE, all the dependencies (and their dependencies) were also installed.

You can look at the CRAN page for readr: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=readr to see its dependencies (anything in the "Depends" or "Imports" fields is required). And of course you need the dependencies of those dependencies, etc. Now that readr is installed along with its dependencies, you can run library(readr) to load it.

Packages won't install through RStudio

If the problem persists, go to C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.3 and right click on the 'library' folder. Go to 'properties', and click on the 'security' tab. Edit the access rights to give yourself (user) rights to edit.

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